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New Game That's Small Soldiers Meets Call Of Duty Looks Incredible

New Game That's Small Soldiers Meets Call Of Duty Looks Incredible

It might be just what your lockdown was waiting for

Amelia Ward

Amelia Ward

Hypercharge: Unboxed is a new game that's somewhere between Small Soldiers and Activision's Call of Duty and it could be exactly what you need to carry you through the rest of lockdown.

The game is a 'classic-style' multiplayer first person shooter, where you take on the role of a tiny action figure, working together in teams of four in a wave-based defence style mode.

As you work your way through the game, you'll come across a whole load of familiar-looking classic toys - including green army men (like the ones in Toy Story) and Beyblade-style spinning tops.

Your main mission, should you choose to accept it, is to 'protect the Hyper-Core'.

There's a PvP (player versus player) mode where you 'battle other small soldiers as you fight to become top of the scoreboard'. There are more than ten unique levels, which include a bedroom setting, a toy store, a kitchen and an attic - among others.

As you work your way through the levels, you will unlock new buildables, like turrets, traps and walls, as well as customisation options for your small soldier.

The game is developed by Digital Cybercherries and supports split-screen as well as a variety of controllers.

Digital Cybercherries

You can purchase Hypercharge: Unboxed and play right now on Steam (£15.49/$19) and Nintendo Switch (£19.99/$25), or download the free demo (that's only on Steam).

To sum up nicely, the synopsis on the official Steam page says: "Hypercharge: Unboxed was designed by five best friends who never gave up on their dream. From the bottom of our heart, thank you so much for checking it out!"

And here are some key points about the game laid out in easy to digest bullet points, if you, like us, have a case of lockdown brain:

  • Co-op: Play offline or with up to 3 of your friends in Online & Local Co-op.
  • PvP: Battle other small soldiers as you fight to become top of the scoreboard.
  • Progression: Earn XP, unlock skins, customise your action figure and weapon.
  • Buildables: Unlock turrets, traps and walls & build the perfect defense for each level.
  • Controller: Prefer to use a controller to mop up bad guys? No problem. Plug in and play!
  • Split Screen: Buddy up on the sofa and blast the enemy as a team!

Have a look for yourself here.

Featured Image Credit: Digital Cybercherries

Topics: GAMING