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Woman has important advice for anyone who worries about people they love dying

Woman has important advice for anyone who worries about people they love dying

A meditation teacher has provided some advice on what to do if you have a fear of losing your loved ones

A woman has provided some pretty valuable advice for anyone who worries about their loved ones passing.

If you've clicked on this article then the thought has probably entered your mind more than once.

The idea of losing someone you care about can be very overwhelming.

There's often a feeling of helplessness attached, which could lead to mental health issues.

The thought of losing someone before it even happens is tough (Getty Stock Image)
The thought of losing someone before it even happens is tough (Getty Stock Image)

However, Emily Kessler says she is here to help you worry less.

The certified meditation teacher and breathwork facilitator, who promotes a positive mindset across her social media pages, might have some much-needed advice you need to hear.

Taking to TikTok (@emilymeditates), the life coach was asked if she ever worries about 'the people you love dying'.

Replying in a video, she said: "If you constantly worry about people in your life dying or people who are special to you, dying, this video is for you.

"So I do a lot of content about worrying and how we can retrain our minds from worry to expect good things and be excited about things.

Life coach Emily Kessler says she is here to help you worry less (Getty Stock Image)
Life coach Emily Kessler says she is here to help you worry less (Getty Stock Image)

"And so I get this question a lot about someone dying. This is an inevitability, right?

"Like people die. This is just a fact of life.

"And what I always say is that instead of worrying about someone dying, be with them while they're alive.

"Spend time, invest in that relationship, do things together that bring you both joy, work on the fullness of that relationship and appreciating them and being grateful for them in every moment.

"Because this is the only thing we have control over. We don't have control over when or how anyone in our life dies.

"We only have control over the relationship right now in the present moment."

People opened up about their own experiences in the comments, as one wrote: "My therapist used to hold my hand and continually tell me that grieving them while they’re still alive is not going to make grieving them when they’re gone any easier. Enjoy them while they’re alive."

"I legit cry because I miss my parents while they’re happy and healthy 3 feet from me. I think I worry because I don’t think I’ll be able to recover from their inevitable d3@ths. It gets overwhelming," a second penned.

While a third added: "Thinking of my mother dying sometimes takes over my entire day and I’m just frozen with fear over it. I have my own partner and family, but still have no idea what my life would look like without her."

If you're experiencing distressing thoughts and feelings, the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is there to support you. They're open from 5pm–midnight, 365 days a year. Their national number is 0800 58 58 58 and they also have a webchat service if you're not comfortable talking on the phone.

If you have experienced a bereavement and would like to speak with someone in confidence, contact Cruse Bereavement Care via their national helpline on 0808 808 1677.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@emilymeditates/Getty Stock Image

Topics: Health, Mental Health, TikTok