A doctor has issued a warning to all the people who still clean the inside of their ears with cotton buds.
By now it should come as no surprise that sticking the tip of cotton bud down your ear and scraping around for bits of wax isn't a good idea. And yet... we all still do it anyway. Despite countless warnings from doctors and healthcare experts.
After all, what else would you use a cotton bud - which is even referred to as an 'ear bud' by many - for if you're not using it to scoop wax out?

For those who are still guilty of cleaning inside their ears with a cotton bud, here is your thousandth reminder about why it could be damaging to your health.
Sharing the PSA on Instagram, GP Dr Amir Khan - who makes regular appearances on ITV shows such as Lorraine and Good Morning Britain - explained why the common grooming technique is harmful.
"One thing I never advise is the use of cotton bud sticks to clean the ears," he said.
"It may feel good to stick a cotton bud inside of your ear and it may come out with a little bit of wax on which makes you feel like you've cleaned it, but all you've done is push that wax further down your ear.
"Which risks the wax completely blocking the ear, or worse, damaging the drum."
Dr Khan then went on to explain the risks of perforating your eardrum, as well as having to fish bits of broken cotton buds out of patients ears in the past.
"Cotton bud sticks are not for your ears and they’re terrible for the environment," he added in the caption.
"I know it might feel satisfying but you could be doing more harm than good!"
Viewers were naturally torn in the comment section, with several people agreeing with Dr Khan's advice while others seemed unwilling to break the habit.
"It’s the only way to reach that itch though," one person protested, while a second joked: "But Amir….it feels so niiice."

If you're looking for doctor approved ways to remove any ear wax buildup, advice from the NHS suggests using '2 to 3 drops of olive or almond oil in your ear' and lying on your side for five to 10 minutes with the affected ear facing up.
Should ear wax problems persist, you can also seek advice and treatment from your local pharmacist.
And whatever you do, keep away from the cotton buds.
Topics: Health