A man who only ate only red meat and eggs for an entire year explained why he decided to quit the diet.
Patrick Ensley decided to eat differently after struggling with his weight for a while, and thought that it was time for a change.
Before his diet, he weighed 300 pounds (21.4 stone), and was spiralling into depression.
However, that’s when he decided to throw his hat into the carnivore diet for a whole year and the results were astonishing.

Changing diets isn’t unusual, however, this one is a little bit more extreme as the HVAC technician from Nebraska, US went onto do a full-carnivore diet.
A carnivore diet usually focuses on only eating animal products (meat, poultry, eggs, fish, some types of dairy and water), according to Heathline, with no greens in sight.
And Patrick found it to be highly beneficial for his health. He lost 140lbs (10 stone), which is nearly half of his starting weight, and 19 inches from his 57-inch stomach.
He went on to share in a YouTube video detailing his progress that his weight left him unable to play with his 2-year-old son, who was one at the time.
“But now I come home, and I'm able to throw around my 2-year-old son on the couch and swing him upside down and play trucks and trains and all the fun stuff he likes to do and still have energy left over from my family.” Patrick said.
However, after his transformation, he felt ‘refreshed’ and 'not in pain anymore' - but he decided to call it quits.

According to an updated video on his channel from June, it’s because he’s hitting close to his ‘goal weight’ and is now in the ‘maintenance phase’, which has left him wondering if he should continue.
He said: “I still have about 15 to 20 more pounds left till I hit my goal but the difference between then and now is insane.”
His video highlights three reasons why he may not be considered a carnivore anymore, and the first one was that he ‘never wanted to be carnivore just for the sake of being carnivore’.
He shared that he just wants to ‘do what makes my body feel the best’ and sometimes, it’s not what’s typically considered carnivore.
He also uses spices and condiments which he says aren’t considered 'carnivore', and he’s planning on introducing more foods to see how his body reacts, like fruit - though he still plans on being '95% carnivore'.
While he’s happy with his progress, he wants to make sure that his diet is sustainable for the long term and won’t harm him.
Lastly, he revealed that now he’s ‘met my goals’, he doesn’t want to be restricted to a strict diet for the rest of his life.
To be honest, that’s all really good reasons for stopping.
Topics: US News, Food And Drink, Health, YouTube