A self-described 'heavy vaper' revealed the 10 things which happened to them after they quit the habit cold turkey.
No winding down, no gradually phasing it out just putting the vape down one day and never picking it back up again.
One of our own at LADbible recently did the same and she's been much happier since the vape vanished from her life, even if the first few days weren't much fun at all.
And someone else who walked that particular journey posted their story on the Reddit group r/QuitVaping.
They encouraged anyone thinking about quitting to 'JUST. DO. IT.' and laid out the 10 things they'd found after quitting their e-cigarette.

The first thing they found was the feeling of having 'an entirely new set of lungs'.
Vaping may not mess up your respiratory system quite as much as smoking but it's still very bad for you and quitting will bring benefits.
"I cannot emphasise how much your cardiovascular health will improve when you stop vaping. It’s mind blowing," the Redditor wrote of their improvement.
Second up was the 'new lungs' allowing them to pack in more exercise than before as their 'lungs don't hurt when I run any more'.
While the first two points were physical, the third was psychological as they said they 'no longer feel the weight of that horrible smoker shame' and were glad they no longer had to vanish off to the toilets for a vape.

Even better in social situations was their feeling that they were more focused during conversations.
They explained that they 'used to long for those moments to end so I could hit my vape', but now they're able to spend more time focused on what they're doing.
On top of that the feeling, they got from conquering their nicotine addiction has given them the confidence to feel as though they can tackle other challenges.
This next thing might not be for everyone, but point number six on their list was them having the energy to get up earlier in the morning instead of 'puffing on my vape and being miserable'.
They said they found that other areas of their life were coming together after ditching the vape, with their diet and sleep schedules coming along much more.
Quitting vaping has also meant their 'complexion has improved vastly', while behind that face their mind is unburdened by the thoughts telling them: "I know I need to quit, it’s killing me, but how will I ever get myself out of this mess."
Rounding out the list was item 10, them finding they don't feel like their nights out are ruined if their vape runs out.
They urged anyone considering ditching the vape to do it, writing: "Whoever is reading this, believe that you CAN do it. If I can, literally anyone can - I was so tragically addicted.
"It’s tough at the start but believe me, it’s the best decision you’ll ever make."
Topics: Vaping, Health, Mental Health