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Stomach churning simulation reveals major reason why you shouldn't bite your nailsStomach churning simulation reveals major reason why you shouldn't bite your nails

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Stomach churning simulation reveals major reason why you shouldn't bite your nails

YouTuber Zack D. Films has shared a simulation video explaining why you shouldn't bite your nails

Back in the day, we always used to hear the 'stop biting your nails' lecture from the grown ups.

Admittedly, it worked on me since I don't do it anymore.

But other than it being bad for you, they never used to explain why?

In comes YouTuber Zack D. Films - known for his horrifyingly realistic simulation videos - who has done an explainer on what various problems can arise.

The clip itself provides a gruesome insight into what could happen if you bite your nails often.

The problem with biting your nails

Biting your nails can cause health problems (YouTube/Zack D. Films)Biting your nails can cause health problems (YouTube/Zack D. Films)
Biting your nails can cause health problems (YouTube/Zack D. Films)

"When you bite your nails, you create tiny tears in the skin around it," he said, while a graphic image of nail bacteria appears on the screen.

Lovely stuff.

"Then the bacteria from your mouth can actually get into these tears, making the area around your nails red and tender," he continued.

"These small injuries can lead to painful infections and swelling, not to mention biting them makes your nails look jagged and uneven, so do yourself a favour and just use nail clippers."

Reacting to the clip, one viewer said: "The animators don't need a raise at this point, they just need rest."

"I was literally biting my nails when this video popped up," another added.

How to stop biting your nails

The habit could be a sign of stress (YouTube/Zack D. Films)The habit could be a sign of stress (YouTube/Zack D. Films)
The habit could be a sign of stress (YouTube/Zack D. Films)

Dr Samuel Mathis, an assistant professor of family medicine at the University of Texas, has provided some insight for nail biters out there.

"Keep your nails short and cut in an appropriate shape," he told Glam.

"Toenails should be cut to just the edge of the toe.

"Fingernails should be cut in a round shape around the edge of the finger.

"Nail biting can cause damage to the nail bed on the long term which can affect nail growth.

"Additionally, nail biting can damage the skin around the nails and cause pain and swelling of the fingers.

"This can cause ingrown nails and cause significant pain and damage to the skin around the fingers."

The medical professional also noted that wearing nail polish will stop you from munching on your nails due to the chemical-like taste.

Why do you bite your nails?

"Most of the time nail biting is usually a response to a stressful trigger," Dr Mathis said.

"Identifying and managing those triggers is also super helpful."

He suggests to chat with a professional if you are concerned about your stress levels.

If you're experiencing distressing thoughts and feelings, the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is there to support you. They're open from 5pm–midnight, 365 days a year. Their national number is 0800 58 58 58 and they also have a webchat service if you're not comfortable talking on the phone.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Zack D. Films

Topics: Health, YouTube, Mental Health

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