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Everything popular new 'Zebra Striping' drinking method does to your body

Everything popular new 'Zebra Striping' drinking method does to your body

Will you be trying this drinking trend anytime soon?

Here is everything that happens to your body when you try the new 'zebra striping' drinking technique.

What the hell is 'zebra striping' I hear you ask? Well, the term is a fashionable rebrand for drinking soft drinks in between alcoholic beverages. Let's say you bought four drinks at the pub, two of them would be beer or wine and two of them would be something less poisonous for your body, such as water.

The benefit of alternating between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks is both physical and fiscal, as not only will you save money on buying cheaper drinks but you will also (hopefully) wake up the next day with less of a hangover.

Expect to see more glasses of water if you or your friends start zebra striping. (Getty Stock Images)
Expect to see more glasses of water if you or your friends start zebra striping. (Getty Stock Images)

Why a fairly straightforward concept needs to be given a nickname such as zebra striping is anyone's guess, but it's reassuring to see that young people are embracing sensible ways of enjoying their favourite tipple.

Is our relationship with alcohol changing?

Britain's alcohol habits are changing. According to research published by the Portman Group earlier this year, there is a huge rise in people aged 18-24 who consider themselves regular or occasional drinkers of low- and no-alcohol products.

The study noted that 39% of those surveyed avoided alcohol altogether, which is huge considering that a significant percentage of people in this age bracket would be students.

It seems like the days of downing shots and dirt cheap bottles of beer and alcopops then.

Zebra striping could be equally beneficial to our health and wallets. (Getty Stock Images)
Zebra striping could be equally beneficial to our health and wallets. (Getty Stock Images)

Is practicing zebra striping really that beneficial to your health?

According to pharmacist Ian Budd, who recently spoke to Metro, consuming less alcohol on a night out could lead to a delay in feeling the effects of drinking as it breaks up the amount of alcohol being processed through your liver.

"The liver metabolises alcohol at a fixed rate – approximately one unit of alcohol per hour," he explained.

"By drinking water in between alcoholic drinks, you give your liver more time to process the booze, which results in a lower peak blood alcohol concentration, which reduces the acute effects of alcohol, such as impaired cognitive function, coordination and judgement."

Meaning you can stay out and enjoy yourself for longer.

Budd also noted that alcohol is a 'diuretic' - which leads to increased urine production, dehydration and subsequently hangovers. By increasing your water intake, your body maintains adequate hydration, meaning less severe hangovers.

While there is currently no concrete evidence proving that methods such as zebra striping are good for us long-term, being aware of how much alcohol we consume is never a bad thing.

Budd also noted that alternating between having a night of drinking and a night off drinking when going out can be even more beneficial, adding that introducing regular alcohol-free days gives your body longer to recover and therefore decreases your risk of developing alcohol-related diseases.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Food And Drink, Health