I think we are all aware that the UK is not in the best financial situation currently, with all sides of our economic sector being impacted.
From the cost of gas and electric to the astonishing price coming up at the tills for the weekly food shop, things are pretty damn expensive.
One of the sectors that is certainly been impacted by the current economic climate is the housing industry, with prices creeping up due to the excessive amount of people in need of some new digs.
It has led to some offering more than the asking price for a home just to stand out from the crowd. Quite extraordinary, really.
Well, the supply and demand for homes in the UK was certainly evident with this particular home in East London, as long queues for viewings formed outside.
One prospective tenant, Adeel Hasnain, travelled from Harrow to view the two-bedroom property priced at £1,200 a month in Shadwell Heath and was left shocked to see how many other people were interested.
He posted a video of the massive queue to his Twitter, and to be honest, it looks like the school run with the amount of people and cars in the area.
Hasnain spoke to the Romford Recorder about his house search and how it is a real struggle to find somewhere to live in London.
"Nowadays it has been very difficult to get a suitable house at a price you can afford," he said.
"I have been looking for more than a month but still haven’t made much progress."
There is no doubt that you pay a premium living in London, but apparently, this two-bed is rather generous for its location.

And that might actually be the case, as according to Rightmove the average price to rent in London reached £2,257 per calendar month in June 2022, with this East London home obviously below this.
The digs is also just a five-minute walk from the nearest tube station, with shops, restaurants and pubs a short walk away, too.
That alongside the characteristics of the home were the main crowd-pullers, according to Adam Picton, who for sure was the busiest man in London, as he is the local lettings expert for the agency PurpleBricks that arranged the viewings.

He said: "First of all, the price compared to most two-bedroom houses near the station was somewhat generous.
"It's pretty hard finding a property that ticks every single box, but when it's within your budget, has a garden, has two double bedrooms, a driveway, is close to the station, is within school catchments, a decent sized kitchen and a shed for storage...most tenants would give an arm and a leg for all that."
After more than 50 offers went in, the property went for £150 above the asking price.