Jacinda Ardern has apologised for calling a politician an 'arrogant prick'.
The New Zealand Prime Minister was caught slagging off ACT leader David Seymour while in parliament after he asked how she handles mistakes, according to Newshub.
Once she had finished her answer and sat down, she reportedly called the fellow lawmaker 'such an arrogant prick'.
David Seymour called on Ms Ardern to withdraw the 'extremely unpalatable remark' made in the House.
According to Mr Seymour, the Kiwi Prime Minister has done just that.

Speaking to reporters, the ACT party leader said: "Some days I am a useless Maori, others days I am an arrogant prick.
"The apology we are really looking for is for New Zealanders worried about rising prices and ram raids."
"Jacinda Ardern text me and said, 'I apologise, it's not something I should have said' and she said, as my mum would say, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it.
"I agree with the sentiment and it is all good as far as I am concerned.
"I just said, thank you and I hope you have a very merry Christmas. At the end of the day, it's not the end of the world."
He added: "I've been called much worse and it's all good, it's all water off a duck's back."
It's not the first time a high ranking politician has used colourful language on the job.
Joe Biden was caught on a hot mic ripping into a reporter for asking him a question.
During a photo opportunity back in January 24, the US President was possibly unaware he was still on camera when he received a question from Fox News White House correspondent Pete Doocy about inflation.
Doocy asked: "Do you think inflation is a political liability in the midterms?"
Biden reportedly replied with: "It’s a great asset – more inflation. What a stupid son of a b***h."
While the comment prompted fresh attacks on Biden in right wing circles, Doocy laughed off the comments.
He claimed he didn't even hear them at the time.
"Yeah, no one has fact checked him and said it’s not true," he said later on Fox News.
He revealed that 'within about an hour of that exchange, [Biden] called my cellphone and he said: "It’s nothing personal, pal".'