A dad has taken a controversial route to punishing his son for picking on his older sister.
The man took to Reddit to ask if he was an a**hole for making their whole family go vegan for a month after one of his son's pranks went too far.
"This all came to a head when my son took all of the food my daughter had bought for the week and hid it pretending he threw it away on garbage day.
"I got a call in the middle of the day at work from my daughter crying saying that he had thrown all her food away."
The dad rushed home from work to break up the row, only to find that his son had merely hidden the food in a mean prank.
"I was livid," he said. "So, for the next 30 days, we are going to eat nothing but vegan food.
"We will make nothing but vegan food and buy nothing but vegan products."
His daughter has been vegan for over a year, pays for her own food, and cooks it herself if there is no family vegan option.
The man wrote that his son was fuming over the vegan punishment and complained to his grandparents, who have dubbed the month-long vegan-fest as 'abuse'.
Other family members have followed suit, as well as some family friends.
But the dad is still holding his ground.
"My son is miserable, but I really don't care," he said. "He brought this upon himself. He still has food to eat, and can spend what little pocket money he has to buy meat."
His post on Reddit's 'Am I The A**hole' page received overwhelming support for the dad's clever punishment.
One user wrote: "This is honestly more of a learning opportunity than a punishment. And it's definitely not abusive ... Maybe now he'll learn to stop being a s**t to his sister."
A second said: "You aren't starving him, and you aren't even singling him out ... [your son needs to learn that] being an a**hole has consequences, and I think you handled it well."
After declaring the dad was not an a**hole, a third user issued a warning: "He [may] build resentment to his sister, you both as parents, and to the idea of eating vegan/vegetarian."
The internet has spoken: not an a**hole, but actually quite clever.
Hopefully his son learns a valuable lesson about live and let live.