A dog was taken to the vet by his concerned owners after they noticed he kept pressing his nose against flat surfaces.
Thankfully for them, the animal expert confirmed there's nothing wrong with the pooch and apparently he's just doing it for attention.
Phew! False Alarm.
The owners of the attention-seeking canine, Leo, spent hundreds of dollars on the vet after being worried his little trick was due to something more ominous.
Leo’s owner Christine Holierhoek said: "My boyfriend and I just couldn't stop laughing when we saw him do it. After reading some articles about it I got worried because it is also a sign of bad health so we took a visit to the vet."
However, it wasn’t a very ‘nose pressing’ issue as the pup merely places his snout on things he wants.
For example, he puts his nose on the door to signal he wants to go outside; or the sofa when he wants to have a nap.
"A couple hundred euros later the vet told us that we just have a silly and healthy goofball that just likes to press his nose against things. I think he just loves the attention," Christine said.
Holierhoek revealed she adopted Leo from a farm in the Netherlands. She was going through a rough patch in her life and immediately fell in love with the pooch.
"I was at a very low point in my life and I thought that a dog would force me to go outside again," she said.
"I look inside the barn and I just saw two blue eyes looking at me and he immediately ran towards me and jumped up.
"Leo was the first puppy that jumped up to me and I just knew that I had to take him home.
"My boyfriend didn't know, so I had some explaining to do when I got home!”
Holierhoek has since begun an Instagram account by the name of ‘bengalsmowglibagheera’ where she frequently posts photos of her two striking Bengal cats and, much to Leo’s delight, him.
Since launching in 2020, the account has earned more than 275,000 followers.
"I found out that lots of people really liked Leo, also because of his enchanting eyes," she said.
"But then after posting videos of Leo pressing his nose against things my TikTok account started growing, Leo has a lot of fans now!”
Move over Addison Rae, there's a new TikTok star on the rise.