Many people have claimed they've had a sighting of the mythical creature known as Bigfoot, but one man is convinced he found the wild, mysterious being's footprints.
In the video, some of the footprints found have been filled in with casting material to get a better idea of how large the creature's feet are.
However, the cameraman walking through the woods shows off even more footprints, many of them too far away from each other to belong to a mortal man with normal strides.
Measuring the distance between the footprints, they found individual marks '64 inches' apart which would suggest that if Bigfoot is real then he's got one hell of a stride on him.
They were lucky that the mythical creature was obliging enough to run through a muddy spot in the woods and leave behind such clear prints, making the find another brick in the wall of evidence for people who believe Bigfoot exists.

One guy got what has been described as the 'best footage ever recorded' of Bigfoot and people think it's proof that Bigfoot exists.
Meanwhile, others have claimed to have a connection with the maybe-mythical creature as a man claimed he'd been swapping gifts with Bigfoot, and it turns out he likes bagels.
Saying he left presents on a stone he dubbed the 'gifting rock', the man said he got handmade presents in return for the presents he'd given to Bigfoot.
Grainy, unclear footage of a giant, hairy humanoid spotted lurking in the woods is cropping up all the time, lending more fuel to the people who believe Bigfoot is real and out there somewhere.
Someone claiming to be a time traveller from the year 2743 (why come back to now?) says 2022 is the year of a major Bigfoot sighting and that England are going to win the World Cup, so we can probably take that one with a pinch of salt.

According to History, the name Bigfoot was first coined in 1958 when someone wrote a letter about loggers in California finding absolutely massive footprints.
While the loggers were sceptical that they'd stumbled upon traces of a mythical creature the idea that Bigfoot might be out there caught the public imagination and a legend was born.
However, North American folklore has made mention of a giant hairy man roaming around the woods long before anyone ever uttered the name 'Bigfoot'.
Known as Sasquatch first, the stories of a roaming giant who has been spotted occasionally and never truly interacted with has persisted through changing times an civilisations, so maybe there's something to this after all.