A man has suffered a devastating back injury after trying to suck his own penis.
The bloke opened up in an eye-opening Reddit post about the moment he heard a 'crack' during his latest attempt.
He explained that this was certainly not the first time he's tried to do the deed and, to be fair, loads of men will have tried it at least once.
The unidentified guy said every attempt has been a success, however, the most recent one clearly didn't go according to plan.
"One day as usual, getting ready to do my thing, I did stretches so I can be more elastic, you know," he said on Reddit's 'Today I F**ked Up' page.
"I was doing my thing until suddenly I heard a really bad crack in my back.

"At the moment I heard the crack I had an immense pain in all parts of my back. Couldn't stand up, couldn't even move an inch of my body.
"I literally felt paralyzed."
You can totally imagine the poor bloke sitting there wondering whether he's just made himself into a paraplegic during a moment of self-pleasure.
He said he was sitting on his bed for about 20 minutes until he started to get a bit of feeling back in his body.
The guy dragged himself to the kitchen to get some pain medication and that improved his situation a little bit.
But he's now been left with 'chronic back pain ever since'.
"Whenever someone asks me how I hurt my back I tell them I hurt myself while exercising," he said.
"I couldn't tell this to anyone up until now, on Reddit.
"I really wanna try that again but I don't think it's the brightest of ideas. I'm potentially gonna have to live with this pain for the rest of my life because of that mistake."

He also didn't go into this task willy nilly either. He revealed that he purposely lost 10 kilograms so that his body could move in the way he wanted for self-pleasure.
The bloke ended the incredible tale with a cautionary message.
"Moral of the story: Watch out for and protect your body even if you think nothing is going to happen," he concluded.
You can say that again!
One person who read the story offered up a hilarious solution to the bloke's situation.
"Try to suck it from the back now, your spine should pop right into place," the user said.
Yeah, look, that's probably not the best idea.