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Britney Spears Says She Celebrated Freedom With First Glass Of Champagne

Britney Spears Says She Celebrated Freedom With First Glass Of Champagne

The popstar finally saw an end to her 13-year conservatorship.

Dominic Smithers

Dominic Smithers

Britney Spears has revealed that she celebrated her freedom with her first glass of champagne.

The popstar finally saw an end to her 13-year conservatorship held by her father last week, which means she now has autonomy over her finances and career.

In a post on her Instagram account, the 39-year-old said she was going to enjoy a prolonged celebration after so many years of not being able to lead the life she wanted.

She wrote: "What an amazing weekend ... I felt like I was on cloud 9 the whole time !!! I actually got my first glass of champagne at the most beautiful restaurant I've ever seen last night !!!!

"I'm celebrating my freedom and my B day for the next two months !!!!!!!!!!!"

Adding: "I mean after 13 years ... I think I've waited long ENOUGH !!!!"

This comes after a court hearing in Los Angeles saw the 'abusive' conservatorship officially brought to an end.

Britney's lawyer, her parents, and the court appointees who control the conservatorship all publicly supported termination.

The Toxic singer was not present at the hearing, though hundreds of fans did descend on the court to support her bid.

Back in July, Britney was granted permission to hire her own attorney and chose Mathew Rosengart.

He has since pushed hard for her father, Jamie Spears, to be removed from the conservatorship all together.

He was terminated as head of the guardianship - which controls her personal affairs and finances - a couple of months ago.

Certified public accountant John Zabel was then selected by Britney and her lawyer to replace her father.


Speaking at the time, Mr Rosengart said: "She wants him out of her life today rather than a lingering and toxic presence. Britney deserves to wake up tomorrow without her father as her conservator."

He added: "I think the support of the #FreeBritney movement has been instrumental.

"To the extent that it allowed my firm to carry the ball across the finish line, I thank them as well."

As well as enjoying a glass of bubbly, a close friend of Britney's also revealed this week that the singer now plans on getting married and trying for a baby.


Former make-up artist Billy Brasfield has said the singer is now looking forward to moving on with her life with her partner, Sam Asghari.

Speaking to the Sunday People, Brasfield said: "Getting married and having a family is something they will absolutely do. And for them it won't be a ­moment too soon.

"If they want to wed ­tomorrow and have a baby in nine months it won't be a rush. They have been ­together five years.

"They've been through so much together and survived the worst - things most people can't even imagine. Now Britney has what she wants and can move forward. Everything is there.

"Her life is about to start and she doesn't have to answer to anyone."

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@britneyspears

Topics: Entertainment, Music, US News, Britney Spears, US Entertainment, Los Angeles, court