A postman on Reddit has shared a photo of what the inside of a postbox actually looks like.
He also gave a tip for helping to avoid postboxes becoming blocked, writing: "You all seemed fascinated so here's inside one. Pls don't jam big packets in as it blocks them."

The photo was shared to the CasualUK subreddit and has left users 'fascinated' - with the majority having only seen the outside of the iconic red boxes.
The image shows a metal basket, that looks like a large bin, with a small door in the middle.
The postie also explained how the mail is collected, writing: "Open box, bag under the chute then empty.
"Change tab to next day and voila."

One user commented saying they 'remember walking past a postie that had one open as a kid and being like WOAAAAH' to which the postman replied 'I've had kids stop and watch before'.
He continued: "Then I'll need their help to empty the letters and change the tabs over etc. If you have a job that kids think is cool, you'd have to be a monster not to wave/show them.
"Still remember a tube driver letting my kid sit in the cab for a stop after he waved as it came into the station."
One user expressed disappointment in the colour of the box's inside, saying: "I’m disappointed that the insides aren’t red too."
Another used the opportunity to get a strange confession off their chest, posting: "When I was a kid I put some snow into a letter box and then immediately realised what I did and I haven’t stopped thinking about it for 16 years."

Other users then also began confessing to mail sins with one writing: "When I was very young I had a terrible nose bleed and put the blood soaked tissue in the post box. I still have regrets 30+ years on."
This post comes after a different user took to Reddit to share how they had just been shown the inside of a post box and as such felt like they were now in some kind of 'secret club'.
They were also told not to jam the box with large letters and parcels.
One user replied that: "Postman’s probably thinking thank f*** I’ve caught the person jamming up the regular box for the past 12 months so he was probably happy to show you the inside of one."
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