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Reporter testing knife-proof vest gets stabbed on TV

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Reporter testing knife-proof vest gets stabbed on TV

He looked apprehensive about testing the vest - and he was right to be nervous.

A reporter testing a knife-proof vest got stabbed on TV - and the product demo did not go as planned.

Eitam Lachover, of Israel's Channel 1, was clearly apprehensive about the stabbing and it turned out he was right to be.

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In the video, which was recorded back in 2016 amid a spate of stabbings by Palestinians, the knife-wielding man demonstrating the product said: "This is a commando knife, that is used by militaries around the world, a very strong knife made of steel.

"We will demonstrate a stabbing on you."

Seeming naturally wary of this proposition, Eitam replied: "You are going to stab me with this?"

"Yes," the stabber replied. "You have nothing to worry about, we are very confident in our product.

"This product can protect from knives that are stronger than this one. May I? Don't be afraid, if something happens, I'm here."

However, these proved to be famous last words as it turned out Eitam did have something to worry about.

Eitam was right to be worried.
Channel 1 Israel

The man repeatedly stabbed him in the back, and one of the blows made Eitam recoil before the man explained: "I missed."

By 'missed', he didn't mean Eitam - he definitely got Eitam. What he missed was the protective part of the vest.

Yaniv Montakyo, a vice-president at the company that makes the vest, told Israeli Channel 2 TV that Eitam was stabbed in an area of the vest where there was no protective material.

Eitam said he went to hospital where he received stitches before being discharged.

Last month, a reporter hit a mascot with a microphone after they crept up behind her.

Brooke Olzendam was facing the camera, mic in hand, when the Oklahoma City Thunder mascot crept up behind her.

She did not take kindly to the encroachment.

Now, the Thunder mascot isn't just any giant animal, but a pretty ferocious-looking bison, so we do have some sympathy for the reporter for what happened next.

The moment she realised Rumble the Bison was behind her, without missing a beat, she hit him with her microphone.

Brooke went on to address the incident on Twitter, sharing a photo alongside Rumble with the caption: "Ran into my nemesis, tonight. He told me I should be scared tomorrow night…

"Well, his eyes did."

Featured Image Credit: Channel 1 Israel

Topics: World News, Crime