People are getting super freaked out by an indoor beach filled with half naked men and women. You can watch the bizarre footage below:
So basically, there's a festival called Sun & Sea: Operatic, which transports an indoor beach to various art galleries.
Onlooking spectators will watch a load of people in their swimming costumes explore the relationship we have with our planet.
Furthermore, the spectacle is meant to demonstrate the 'the threat climate change presents and the dangers we face if it is ignored'.

The official description of the event reads as follows: "A crowded beach, the burning sun, bright bathing suits and sweaty brows and legs.
"Tired limbs sprawling lazily across a sea of towels. The rumble of a volcano, or of an airplane, or a speedboat.
"The squeal of children, laughter, the sound of an ice cream van in the distance. Sunbathers sing languid songs of worry, of boredom, of almost nothing.
"Songs of early morning flights and half-eaten sandwiches in the sand, the crinkling of plastic bags whirling in the air then floating silently, jellyfish-like below the waterline.
"Stories that glide between the mundane, the sinister and the surreal.
"Witness from above as an afternoon at the beach reveals a mesmerising exploration of the relationship between us and our planet."
The artwork has already been exhibited in Reykjavik, Moscow and London and is set to come to Helsinki, Barcelona and Lisbon.

One person wrote: "You’ve got people packed in, and some people watching them like they’re at the beach but they’re not at the beach, they’re in a building with sand in it.
"Without a doubt this has to be the strangest footage I’ve seen in my whole life … It’s pretty crazy, pretty wild, pretty out there."
Another person said it looks like a 'prison for the super rich'.
However, others seemed to love the event.
One viewer wrote: "Sun & Sea, from Lithuania in @LIFTfestival is like nothing I’ve ever seen and I adored it.
"From a balcony we look down on a sweltering beach. Holidaymakers sing operatic songs of loneliness, endings and environmental loss.
"That’s all. So daring; so beautiful. Mesmeric."
The New York Times review was also glowing, with art critic Jason Farago writing: "Sun & Sea remains one of the greatest achievements in performance of the last 10 years: wry, seductive and cunning in ways that reveal themselves days or years later.
"This is a performance that makes the extinction of the species feel as agreeable as a perfect pop song, and as unforgettable, too."