Some surprised Romanians got to know one of their colleagues a little bit better than they probably wanted to after he turned up to a Zoom meeting wet and naked.
This might have been fine if Alberto-Iosif Caraian was pitching an idea for an adult film to a prospective studio, but Caraian is not an adult film star. At least, he wasn't intending to be, but he put on a pretty good audition when he turned up to work in the buff:
Caraian's unfortunate Zoom call no only brings to life the worst fears of anyone running around naked with their laptop open, but also embodies some bosses' worst nightmares about what happens when their employees 'work' from home.
I think we've all come to accept by now that sweats, boxers or pyjama bottoms are acceptable attire for your bottom half when on a Zoom call, but Caraian took this casual style to a whole new level when he ditched his clothes altogether and got in the shower.
A Social Democratic (PSD) councillor from Romania, Caraian was obviously expecting to have to take part in the Zoom call as he took a camera into the shower with him, but it soon became clear that he hadn't intended to turn it on.
He popped up on the screen when the chairman of the meeting called for attendance and shocked everyone involved with his shirtless body and wet hair.

Caraian made no immediate effort to hide away, seemingly obvious to the fact he'd brought the entire meeting into the shower with him, and instead wiped the water away from his face while the chairperson did their best to hold back a grin.
Even after he realised what had happened, Caraian didn't have any luck in regaining his privacy as he tapped away at the screen with no success while the viewers started to laugh.
At one point it looked like he'd cracked it, but Caraian's bare chest was quickly back for all to see.
Onlookers shouted for Caraian to turn the camera off, but he shared a panicked explanation over his struggles as he said: "But I can't hang up, I can't hang up, I apologize profusely. I have a bad cold, but I don't know how to hang up."
Thankfully the councillor did eventually master the tricky business of Zoom and later reappeared on the live stream fully dressed.
He also addressed the issue on his Facebook page, writing: "Technology still plays tricks. Unfortunately, haste has spoken! I apologise for the unfortunate incident... Apologies once again to everyone!"
Obviously, you shouldn't turn up to work naked. But I do feel like I should point out that Caraian was technically working, he was just doing it in a slightly more unusual, and naked, way.
Topics: Viral, Technology