Perhaps it says something about the time in which we live that people are coming up with increasingly bizarre ways to euthanise the population. Such as this boat ride:
Yep, someone has created a boat trip that people can only ride once.
SM Coasters regularly shares a mix of interesting and now pretty sinister designs for rollercoasters and rides, and its most recent offering gives passengers the opportunity to end it all.
A short clip of the contraption was posted to its TikTok page with the caption: "Boat ride euthanasia – totally humane way to go."
In it, a carriage can be seen sitting at the top of a huge structure, it then nudges over the edge and falls a long, long way down to a pool at the bottom.
Upon landing, the carriage bounces up into the air before landing back in the water.
Since it was posted, the video has been viewed more than 2.7 million times, with thousands of people sharing their thoughts in the comments.
One user joked: "Knowing my luck the boat won't land the right way up and I'd survive."
Another wrote: "Yep, that would do it."

Amazingly, this isn't the first euthanasia ride that someone has thought up over the years.
Last year, a rollercoaster designed by Lithuanian artist Julijonas Urbonas was shared to TikTok, and it blew people's minds.
Having grown up in a Soviet amusement park, Urbonas became jaded from seeing the same 'macho' thrill rides over and over again.
So he looked for something new and came up with a 'hypnotic death machine' that you could only experience once.
He described it as been 'engineered to humanely – with elegance and euphoria – take the life of a human being'.

The principle of the Euthanasia Coaster is that it causes an 'oxygen deficiency in the brain' owing to its speed and many loops.
Discussing his design, Urbonas said: "Today, the roller coaster is at a stall of the innovation, as it has already reached the peak of bodily stimulation intensity.
"In the Euthanasia Coaster I wanted to overcome it, even dramatise, to celebrate this historical moment of the ride and the rider's body."
He went on: "At first, what was designed was just the fatal falling trajectory with no purpose but one: to kill the rider pleasurably and elegantly.
"It was a sort of a designed thought experiment of what the ultimate roller coaster would be like and what possible usages it would be open to."