The creators of Stranger Things have hammered a nail in Eddie Munson’s coffin, which, to be fair, was already pretty nail-heavy seeing as the character was ripped to pieces by demobats in the show’s season four finale.
But that didn’t stop Eddie diehards starting an online petition in a bid to get him written back into the show, which so far has amassed more than 50,000 signatures.
Unfortunately for said 50,000 people, Stranger Things creators Matt and Ross Duffer seem to have confirmed that their efforts were all in vain as Eddie was ‘designed from the get go as a doomed character’.
Speaking on the Happy Sad Confused podcast, Matt explained: “We sort of saw Eddie as a bit of a doomed character.”
He went on: “Even imagining the flipside of that where he does survive that final battle, there’s not a great life waiting for Eddie in the right side up either, so he was really designed from the get go as a doomed character – unlike someone like Bob [Sean Astin’s character], who was like a shock to really up the stakes.”
Ross echoed: “He was always going to be a tragic character.
“There was no other arc for him. He would have wound up in jail – this fantasy that he would have been in Milwaukee graduating sadly was never an outcome for him.”
Earlier this month, a petition called ‘Bring Back Beloved Stranger Things Character’ was launched on Change.org.

The description read: “This is a petition I have started to bring back fan favourite Eddie Munson. The Duffer Brothers have unfairly killed him off and many other fans and I think he deserves to be brought back and not just as a flashback, please sign this petition to spread awareness.”
Today (10 July) an update was posted to the page that read: “We have officially hit 50K, I never dreamed we would have achieved such an insane goal but with everyones help we have! I am so proud of every single one of you!”
The much loved character was played by Joseph Quinn and had one of the show’s most heart-wrenching deaths to date.
After blasting out an electrifying Metallica cover on his beloved guitar, Eddie successfully managed to distract a swarm of demobats so that his friends could make their way into the Creel house without being chomped on.
However, Eddie decided to stay in the Upside Down and fend off the demobats instead of leaving with Dustin Henderson (Gaten Matarazzo), a decision that ultimately sealed his fate.
Topics: Stranger Things