In a bizarre twist of events, police say a man stole a lawnmower from a homeowner, but not before mowing the victim's grass with it.
Well, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
Port Arthur Police Department (PAPD) has released security footage of a Texan man, Marcus Hubbard, strolling into a residential building and picking up the owner’s lawnmower before proceeding to cut the grass with it.

The man is seen walking with the lawnmower across the owner’s garden as he drags it away while officers arrive on the scene.
PAPD wrote on their Facebook page: “Marcus Hubbard was seen on Security video burglarising a residential building, he removed property from within the building without owners’ consent. He then is seen on Security video mowing the homeowners front and back yard.
“Upon Officers arrival Hubbard is seen running from the area while dragging the lawnmower with him. He abandons the lawnmower in an alley and evades apprehension.”
I just hope if I ever get burglarised, the intruder at least has the decency to wash my dishes first.
PAPD reportedly said that the thief wanted to check if the machinery was working before he pinched it, according to KXAN.
Hubbard currently has an outstanding warrant for Burglary of a Building.

PAPD also urged anyone who spots the man to call the police or Crime Stoppers, as those who help locate Hubbard’s whereabouts may be eligible for a cash reward.
The incredible crime comes just two weeks after an English robber was found sleeping inside a car he bulgarised in Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands.
The incident, dubbed ‘Grand Theft Snoreto’ by The Sun, occurred after the man broke into an Audi Q7, taking personal items from the vehicle, before nodding off peacefully in the front seat.
The owner’s 12-year-old son spotted the looter the following morning before police were called to the scene.
The owner of the car Zoe Reed told the British newspaper: “We didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
“It was scary to see the man who had broken in, but funny that he made himself comfy and dozed off.”
She added: “We were able to see the funny side. We had Britain’s laziest burglar asleep in our car.”
It just goes to show you should never sleep on the job.