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Brian Cox 'Lost For Words' Over 'Nonsense Flat-Earth Theory'

Brian Cox 'Lost For Words' Over 'Nonsense Flat-Earth Theory'

In a video response to a question about the Earth being flat, Brian Cox basically says that anyone who thinks it is is stupid. Fair enough.

Claire Reid

Claire Reid

One thing that's got a lot of traction recently is people who believe the Earth is flat. Which was something science proved wasn't the case a very long time ago indeed, but what use is there listening to reason, right?

Well, they might have to now. Because esteemed physicist, scientist and TV personality Brian Cox has delivered a brilliant rebuke to all those who refuse to accept that the world is a sphere.

On the very much to-the-point titled Science Page Facebook, er, page, the 49 year-old answered, via video, a question from somebody called Johanna about whether the Earth could in fact be flat.

And in his dulcet, calm and very soothing tone, he responded adamantly that no, it couldn't. His response was just over a minute long.

"There is absolutely no basis at all for thinking the world is flat," he said, and if it were possible for Brian Cox to sound angry he would have sounded angry.

"Nobody in human history, as far as I know, has thought the world was flat."

Credit: PA

That's not strictly true, because we know there are lots who think it is, but he probably means rational, level-headed people. Any, continue, Brian.

"The Greeks measured the radius of the Earth. I cannot conceive of a reason why anybody would think the world is flat.

"There are interesting bits of physics that tell you you live on a spinning planet and one of them is called the Coriolis force, which is the force that's responsible for causing storm systems to rotate on the planet.

"So when you see those beautiful pictures of storms spinning around and rotating, the reason for that is that we live on a spinning planet."

Credit: PA

And that's just to start. He goes on to talk about how we - as humans - have taken pictures of it, which, let's face it, should be all the proof we need.

"I'm lost for words," he says in the video, and it's pretty clear that's true. "It's probably the most nonsensical suggestion that a thinking human being could possibly make. It is drivel."

Will that convince Flat-Earther Mike Hughes that he doesn't need to get in his self-made rocket and find out for himself? Probably not. But it should.

Featured Image Credit: PA

Topics: Science, Flat-earth, Nasa, Brian Cox, space, Earth