A witness is absolutely convinced he's spotted Banksy at the scene of the crime by his latest mural.
The infamous graffiti artist struck again in Finsbury Park on 17 March - and according to one witness, then stuck around to be snapped at the site by photographers.
The anonymous artist recently announced that the creative piece, depicting a woman blasting green paint onto a peeling white wall which sits behind a bare tree to mimic foliage, was an authentic Banksy.
It's obviously open to interpretation, but the artwork on Hornsey Road seems to make reference to the importance of taking care of the environment and our beloved trees.

Crowds have obviously been congesting the pavement in front of the mural since it suddenly appeared more than a week ago and Banksy fans reckon that the street artist might have used the opportunity to blend in among the general public.
An eyewitness claims they saw one bloke who bore a 'striking resemblance' to a man who has previously been rumoured to be the mystery spray painter.
And seen as though Banksy is thought to be behind another bizarre installation in his hometown of Bristol a few days ago, it seems like he must be running around like a blue-arsed fly.

Basically, all the way back in 2008, media reports began claiming that a man by the name of Robin Gunningham was in fact Banksy - which even prompted university studies which were aimed at getting to the bottom of his true identity.
Researchers compared the movements of the artist and found they lined up with Gunningham, only for the memorable moniker to again crop up a few years later in a lawsuit which was launched against Banksy's company, Pest Control Ltd.
Wealthy entrepreneur Andrew Gallagher decided to take the firm to court over defamation claims, while also suing a bloke named Robin Gunningham.

And now, a chap who is apparently the absolute double of him has been spotted at the mural in Finsbury Park at around 10am over the weekend, again fuelling the fire that he may actually be Banksy.
The fella, with greying hair and similar features to Gunningham, was spotted as teams were brought in to protect the piece.
The Banksy-obsessed local said: "I have been going to the mural for a whole week. On Saturday there were more security fences and CCTV up and a few people putting up Perspex over the artwork.
"I went back at 10am to go have another look at what they were doing and saw this man who looks exactly like the photo I saw 20 years ago of Banksy.
"I found it weird he was putting up his own Perspex. The people putting it up weren’t wearing council uniforms or anything, one was wearing a Nirvana t-shirt. He must have been there for hours."
However, the bloke - who is actually named George Giorgio and not Robin Gunningham/Banksy - has now spoken out.
He told the Sun: "Instead of just whipping a picture, they should've just said who are you? Would've been so much easier.
"It's nonsense. I'm the landlord's father. I know nothing at all about the work."
Topics: Art, Banksy, Conspiracy Theory, News, UK News, London, Weird