If anything symbolises holidays, it's your passport.
You can't get on a plane without it and inside are stamps from all the countries you've visited.
Whether it's red or blue, the passport is your ticket to sunnier destinations.
But Brits are being warned to be quick about applying for new passports, as prices are on the rise.
There have already been cost increases in recent years, with His Majesty's Passport introducing a nine percent increase last summer.

The government has now warned that another hike will follow this summer.
This means that waiting too long to renew your passport could hit your wallet extra hard.
From April 11 onwards, the price of renewing a passport will rise by roughly 7 percent.
In real terms, this means a new adult passport will cost £88.50 and a child's will be £57.50.
And if you're thinking about doing the process through a postal application, you might want to brace yourself.
A postal application for an adult will cost £100 and a child's will be £69.
Even if your passport isn't due to be renewed, it might be worth looking into this.
Because of new post-Brexit rules, British passports are subject to more regulation.
British passports will need at least three months left on them before their owners are allowed to travel to other European countries.

Other countries will require your passport to be eligible for another six months before allowing you entry into the country.
If any passport pages are damaged, you may be turned away from the plane itself.
In a statement, the government said: "The new fees will help ensure that income from these applications better meets the cost of delivering passport and associated operations, reducing reliance on funding from general taxation. The government does not make any profit from the cost of passport applications.
"The fees contribute to the cost of processing passport applications, consular support overseas, including for lost or stolen passports, and the cost of processing British citizens at UK borders. The increase will also help enable the government to continue improving its services.
"The new fees include those newly applying or renewing their passport."
Those who are in possession of red passports - i.e passports that were made whilst the UK was still in the EU - are at particular risk.
The good news is you can easily check if your passport will be valid for any trip on the GOV.UK website, just by selecting a country and checking entry requirements.
Some popular holiday destinations that have the six-month rule are; Egypt, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and the UAE.
A few other destinations that have a three-month rule are; France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain.