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Member of bar staff among one of last people to see Jay Slater speaks out on ‘horrible’ situation

Member of bar staff among one of last people to see Jay Slater speaks out on ‘horrible’ situation

The 19-year-old's disappearance has affected both Brits and locals in Tenerife

A barmaid has spoken out about the 'horrible' situation surrounding missing teen Jay Slater as the mystery of his disappearance continues.

It has now been ten days since the 19-year-old made a frantic phone call to his friend Lucy Law at around 8.50am on the morning of 17 June, explaining that he 'didn't know where he was', had one percent battery and needed a drink.

Jay had been attending the New Rave Generation (NRG) festival on the island and is said to have travelled back to an Airbnb in the remote Masca region of Tenerife with people he had met while partying.

Search teams are still scouring the Rural de Teno National Park - where the Brit's phone last 'pinged' - in the hopes of finding him, while police have also been concentrating on a 2,000ft ravine in the area.

Earlier this week, Jay's family shared a grainy image captured by a CCTV camera in the town of Santiago del Teide and suggested it may have been a possible sighting of him.

Jay Slater vanished in Tenerife on 17 June. (Family Handout)
Jay Slater vanished in Tenerife on 17 June. (Family Handout)

A man - who relatives reckon could be the missing lad - is seen walking through the local church square in the footage, ten hours after Jay was last seen alive.

Now, a woman named Monica, who works at Paniclub in the Playa de la Americas resort, explained Jay's disappearance is 'all that they have been talking about'.

The missing lad had been partying on the busy nightclub strip situated close to Paniclub the night before he vanished.

Monica told the Manchester Evening News: "Everybody here is living nice and happy, so it's very sad news. It's horrible, horrible. Yesterday I was off and we were speaking the whole day about him.

"It's all we are talking about, the local people. It's everywhere in the media, it's so sad."

The missing teen is 'all that anyone can talk about', according to locals. (Snapchat/Jay Slater)
The missing teen is 'all that anyone can talk about', according to locals. (Snapchat/Jay Slater)

She also issued a warning to tourists heading to Tenerife for a party holiday.

Monica added: "Everybody here is looking for fun and drinks. People could go out partying and get lost here, in the nighttime it can be dangerous."

A local hotel worker also told the publication that she has been left 'heartbroken' by the case, while investigations have failed to uncover any clues into Jay's whereabouts so far.

Bizarrely, a local mayor on the island yesterday (26 June) claimed that police had spoken to several people who said they might have seen Jay watching the Euros.

Emilio Jose Navarro, mayor of the town of Santiago del Teide, alleged that investigators were in touch with locals who suggested they might have spotted the teen watching the football tournament 'on the coast'.

"We know the police are investigating (the CCTV images)," he told Reuters.

"They have asked for the town hall’s security cameras and they are also working with the company that handles those cameras," Navarro added, but police have yet to confirm this line of inquiry.

Featured Image Credit: Snapchat/Jay Slater/Family Handout

Topics: Jay Slater, UK News, World News, Travel