Fans around the world who got Ye tattoos are seriously regretting their choices.
The controversial rapper has truly hit rock bottom after appearing on Alex Jones' InfoWars programme.
The artist formally known as Kanye West revealed he likes Adolf Hitler and said Nazis weren't all that bad.
Yes, he really went there.
TV host Alex Jones said the 45-year-old has been 'demonized' in the press recently for his problematic and antisemitic remarks.
Jones added it was unfair for West to be compared to Adolf Hitler or the Nazis.
However, the rapper ripped in and said: "I love everyone, and Jewish people are not gonna tell me… ‘You can love us, and you can love what we’re doing to you with the contracts, and you can love what we’re pushing with the pornography.’
"But this guy that invented highways, invented the very microphone that I use as a musician—you can’t say out loud that this person ever did anything good, and I’m done with that.
"I’m done with the classifications, every human being has something of value that they brought to the table. Especially Hitler."
Jones tried to take back control of the show, but, before he went to an advert break, West blurted out: 'I like Hitler'.
Many of Ye's now-former fans believe this is the final nail in the coffin of his career.
While loads of his supporters are able to easily stop listening to his music and give up their allegiance to him, there are some out there with Ye tattoos who are dying to get rid of them.
Tattoo removal can cost a pretty penny, and that's why one studio in the UK is offering to do removals for free if the designs are about Kanye West.
NAAMA Studios in London started offering the free removals after Ye started saying his problematic remarks against Jewish people.

Briony Garbett, CEO of NAAMA Studios, said: “We all hope that the tattoos we get will always have a special meaning to us, however, you can never predict the future and how that might affect your view of your tattoo.
"When you have a tattoo inspired by someone you admire and they start making headlines for all the wrong reasons, it’s not exactly something you want to wear on your sleeve that you are or were a fan.
“That is why we are willing to come to the aid of those who are embarrassed about their Kayne West inspired tattoos and are offering complimentary treatment for all UK fans that want them removed."
The treatment can take around eight to 12 sessions and NAAMA says their services usually cost around £2,000, depending on how big the design is.
But, they realise being stuck with a tattoo associated with someone who supports Hitler is less than desirable.
Topics: Kanye West, Celebrity