A man has shown “beautiful compassion” as he fed refugees stuck in Ukraine amid the Russian invasion.
The TikTok video, which was translated into English by u/valeron_b on Reddit, shows a man handing out food items to families stuck in traffic as they flee to Ternopil, Western Ukraine, according to the caption.
“In Ternopil, Western Ukraine, people are feeding refugees in traffic jams from the eastern part of the country, where active hostilities are taking place,” the video reads.
The clip, which sees the man approaching vehicles and passing over food to drivers and their passengers through the window, reads: “In Ternopil, people share everything they have for refugees.”
The volunteer can be heard shouting to the cars in front of him: “Kids? Please take food.
“Please lower down the window. Bon appetit.”
As the man reaches the lady who is filming the video, she replies: “Kids? We don’t have kids”.
“You will have them,” the man responds. “Take it!” he insists.
“Useful on the road,” he explains.
The lady can then be heard saying “thank you” with emotion in her voice.
“Thank you, that’s so sweet,” she replies.
The videographer then pans over to the man, who has soon approached the next car to hand out food.
Reddit users soon flocked to the comments section to praise the compassion of the man.
"Nothing more sacred and beautiful than compassion amidst chaos," one user wrote.
"It’s compassions like this that give me hope," a different social media user penned under the video.
Another added: "He has a good heart".
It is not clear when exactly the footage was filmed, but ABC News reported on Monday that refugees continued to flee in their masses from Ukraine to the eastern edge of the EU.
Meanwhile, the U.N estimated that 500,000 people have already escaped the country in light of Russia’s invasion.
The publication reported that long traffic jams comprised of cars and buses were headed towards Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Moldova, while some refugees even fled on foot towards the safety of the EU.
Topics: Ukraine, Russia, Good News, World News