A couple have said they now have ‘trust issues’ after opening up a bag of crisps and finding there were no crisps inside – I know, everyone’s worst nightmare, right?
Naomi Mulumbala, 29, and her partner Ralph, 31, had planned on a chilled evening in front of Netflix with some snacks, but things took a frankly horrifying turn as they settled in for the night.
Being a true hero, Ralph had been down to their local Tesco Express to get the goods, grabbing a six-pack of Walkers Prawn Cocktail crisps before returning for a solid sofa session at their flat in South London on 2 April.

Imagine their shock, however, when they opened up the first bag to find it had just one crisp in it. Insulting, really.
They tried another and made a second harrowing discovery... it was completely full of air, not a single crisp in sight. Nothing. Nada. Pas de pommes de terre.
Naomi said: "It had just been April Fool's day so for a bit we were convinced this must've been one of walkers promotions, but it must've been some ridiculous mistake.

"People always jokingly complain about the crisp and air ratio in Walkers packets but this was taking it to an extreme.
"We had Netflix on and whilst Ralph went to get us a snack, he started shouting my name, saying I won't believe this.”
She continued: "He started shaking the bag and there was one crisp in there, so I started filming and when we saw one singular crisp we were in stitches.
"When we got the second packet that was just air, we started thinking this must be a joke right? It was too good not to post online."

The couple have clearly been left scarred by the experience, saying it’s left them with ‘trust issues’ with their favourite flavour - having since had to turn to another savoury snack for solace.
Ralph said: "The next day I picked up a bag of Quavers, I wasn't risking it again.
"It's left me with trust issues with my favourite flavour of crisp. When I picked up the bag of air, I was over it, it had gone too far."
LADbible has reached out to PepsiCo, which owns Walkers, for comment.
Topics: UK News, Food And Drink