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How to tell whether you're a Zillennial or not

How to tell whether you're a Zillennial or not

It's not the jeans you wear or the first phone you had which makes you a Zillennial

People on social media are claiming to be Zillennials - but what on Earth are they on about?

This whole boomer/Gen X/ Millennial/ Gen Z stuff is a hot topic, especially when it comes to finding out who is in which box.

From the anti-ankle sock brigade to the hatred of skinny jeans and the way people choose to part their hair, Gen Z hold nothing back when it comes to critiquing previous generations and their fashion choices (even though the 2000s are coming back into style…).

Even though it sounds daft to put yourself into a box of which generation you belong to, it’s an addictive topic and now, there’s a new term.

It's confusing both Gen Z and Millennials - and there's good reason why.

It’s the term Zillennial.

Gen Z even brought back flip phones. (Getty Stock Images)
Gen Z even brought back flip phones. (Getty Stock Images)

You might have believed yourself to be a ‘cusper’, someone who was born in between the Millenial and Gen Z age ranges and who may identify with both generations, but that’s not who you are anymore.

You’re a Zillennial.

You might be confused about this, but one Redditor asked the crucial question and it was cleared up pretty quickly.

One person commented under the question: "It's like being born on the cusp, so close to the cutoff."

Someone else wrote: "It's a mix between late Millennials and early Z but many people often define Zillennials as late Millennials with ending at 1998 sometimes 1999.”

Another wrote: "Zillennial are years that don’t feel Millennial or Gen Z. These years went into high school after the recession and went out of high school after EDM era."

Someone else added: "Cuspers between Millennials & Gen Z. They don't exactly fit in with either generation.

Zillennial was coined to describe cuspers. (Getty Stock Images)
Zillennial was coined to describe cuspers. (Getty Stock Images)

Another penned: "People born around the Millenial End / Gen Z Start imo it's 1994-1999 (last 3 Millennial years and first 3 Z years in my range)."

And a final Reddit user resolved with a detailed explanation: "It just means that you are on the cusp of both generations and therefore have some traits of both Late Millennials and Early Gen Z. Everyone who is a Zillennial is also either a Millennial or Gen Z, its not its own generation.

"In my view, 1994-1999 are Zillennials. The ones born in 1994-1996 are Millennials who also share some traits and experiences with Early Gen Z. The ones born in 1997-1999 are Gen Z who also share some traits and experiences with Late Millennials."

So, if you were born between 1994 to 1999, then you are a Zillennial.

Now, if you’re like me and on the 96 train, someone said we’re ‘the ultimate Y/Z cusp year’.

I guess that makes us the winners of the Zillennials then.

Featured Image Credit: Getty stock images

Topics: Social Media, Reddit