There's a scientific explanation behind the weird phenomenon that is taking social media by storm
Their biology has adapted to their aquatic lifestyle
There's logic behind NASA's efforts not finding alien life just yet, the space agency says
The woman thought she saw a gun and blood everywhere when she woke up
The Bajau tribe have been diving for 1,000 years
If you see it, you've gotta kill it
The explosion could happen any moment
Inflammatory bowel disease affects more than half a million people in the UK
What comes next might surprise you
Your dreams might be trying to tell you something, according to this new research
Oleg Kononenko, 59, beat his own record and cemented his place in history
The deep pit is only growing in size, and it's a big worry
Evy Poumpouras says she saw a lot of people do this
Medical experts revealed that energy drinks may impact people's health
An increasing amount of people have began living in a 'functional freeze', and you could be a victim of it
There's a chance the aurora borealis will be seen in the UK once again
Brit scientists are now aiming for human trials
Marine biologist Kristian Parton has shared his thoughts on the shark attack which stunned the UK
Dr Karan Rajan used science to explain what the customer spotted on their chocolate bar
There have been 15 sightings so far this year, all in the same three areas of the UK
The Clifford family welcomed the eight-legged creature named Terrance into their home last October
Holidaymakers have been urged to reconsider their drinking habits while on their travels
It's a rare event but you'll have to get up early