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Divorce expert says there is 'one thing' to blame for marriages ending and it's not cheating

Divorce expert says there is 'one thing' to blame for marriages ending and it's not cheating

Conflict expert James Brien has revealed the underrated issue that's causing a lot of divorces

A divorce expert thinks there is 'one thing' that's killing marriages and, surprisingly, it's not cheating.

Now, we've all heard the old 'one in two marriages end in divorce' claim over the years - but it seems that we're doing pretty well in the UK at the moment.

Recent figures from the Office for National Statistics show that 80,057 divorces were granted in England and Wales in 2022.

This happens to be a 29.5 percent decrease compared with 2021 (113,505 divorces) and the lowest number of divorces since 1971.

The number one reason for divorce is not cheating, an expert has claimed (Getty Stock Images)
The number one reason for divorce is not cheating, an expert has claimed (Getty Stock Images)

Perhaps we are becoming a bit more clued in on relationships and dating trends?

But according to conflict expert James Brien from Easy Online Divorce, there's one underrated issue that's still causing a lot of divorces.

As reported by the Express, James said: "There are many factors behind why couples divorce, and it's often not one single action that spells the end of a marriage.

"But there is a common theme I see in most couples looking to end their legal partnership - a lack of communication.

"At some point along the way their communication has broken down and they have found it hard or impossible to speak to one other about the problems they are facing.

"They have stopped opening up about what's wrong, stopped working through problems together and bitterness and resentment has started to seep in.

"I see this when they reach the stage of wanting to end their marriage and are at complete odds about why their relationship has crumbled.

2022 marked the lowest number of divorces in UK and Wales since 1971 (Getty Stock Images)
2022 marked the lowest number of divorces in UK and Wales since 1971 (Getty Stock Images)

"Often one action is blamed - such as infidelity - but the truth is a marriage has often broken down before such an act is carried out."

James thinks a better level of communication and understanding is exactly what's missing from relationships, even ones that are doomed.

He said: "Divorce can have far-reaching emotional impacts. This is why it's so important to be as open and honest with each other as possible.

"Be truthful about your feelings and listen when your partner does the same.

"If you do reach a point where you can no longer stay in the marriage, an understanding of each other goes a huge way to minimising conflict. It's a big ask but it is possible."

Offering a different point of view is attorney Andrew Zashin, who told the outlet: "Most family law experts agree that the most frequent reasons couples decide to divorce relate to money.

"From my 30 plus years of practice I am certain that money-related issues are the primary cause of divorce."

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

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