A groom pulled the ultimate prank on his new wife on their big day by making sure he smashed a piece of the cake into her face... all while everyone was watching. Take a look at the jaw-dropping moment below:
When it comes to wedding traditions there's quite a few revolving around the cake.
Of course, one of the main ones is cutting it together and looking as photogenic as is possible while two people try to hold one knife.
However, once the cake has been cut the honorary first bite belongs to the bride and groom, no matter how much the guests may want to dig in after the first incision.
How that bit is done is yet another wedding tradition, as couples tend to feed each other a slice of cake and there's a few ways they can play this.
Some couples go for a gentle spooning of cake into the mouth of their dearly beloved, others prefer the much more funny method of grabbing a slice and just mashing it in there.

And one couple recently took that approach to the next level as the groom made sure he well and truly smashed his wife in the face with a chunk of their wedding cake.
The new bride shared the footage on TikTok, where over 180,000 people have now watched it.
As soon as the groom cuts off a chunk of cake and starts coming over to her, it's clear she knows what's about to happen and is seen backing off into the corner of the room.
Undeterred, the groom smashes the freshly cut chunk of cake into his new wife's face and the pair go tumbling to the ground together, much to the amusement of their guests.
He quickly pulls her to her feet and the happy couple are soon laughing about it. though the bride does need a little bit of help dusting some of the crumbs off her dress.
This wasn't just a case of the groom deciding to go one step further with his part of the cake mashing, as TikToker Jade wrote on the video that her new hubby 'got me back for doing it to him good and propa'.
It's nowhere near the worst thing that can happen at a wedding once they bring out the cake.

Spare a thought for a couple of wedding guests who had to go to hospital after unwittingly getting baked off the baked goods on offer.
A Torquay wedding was serving up cakes with cannabis in them, only nobody was aware of this at the time as they'd secretly been spiked with the drugs.
Meanwhile, if you want your wedding to be remembered for something then it's probably better that it's for the bride and groom smashing cake into each other's faces.
Otherwise people might remember your big day as the time the new couple lit themselves on fire as a stunt, or that the groom was the best man at the bride's previous wedding.
Then again, who needs a groom to put on a wedding? One bride who got left at the altar decided to go ahead with the big day anyway and had the massive party she'd already paid for.
Topics: TikTok, Viral, Sex and Relationships