If you think this is going to be a hard read, you should try writing it.
It seems that snakes really need to stick to ladders after a woman's pet python took a bite out of her partner's penis, causing very bloody scenes.
*Writes in the cross-legged position*
Australian adult star Dani Dabello opened up on a recent - very traumatic - incident, which saw her giant pet snake attack her male partner in the privates.

"I want to introduce you to Betty. She’s my Centralian carpet python," Dabello said in an Instagram video posted on Wednesday (8 November).
"She’s about eight-foot-long. I’ve never had an issue with her biting or anything until today."
Shortly after filming content together, the terrifying incident took place.
Dabello explained: "So earlier I had a friend over and we shot a video… once we were finished doing that he jumped In the shower, but he did mention he wanted to hold my pet snake afterwards."
When her partner got out of the shower, the adult-film star placed Betty on his shoulder before she went to the bathroom to freshen up.
However, as she started to walk away, she heard a 'massive scream'.
"I’ve turned around and seen that Betty is holding onto his [private parts] and he’s tried to pull her off it," Dabello said.
"After a few minutes we got her off and I put her back into her enclosure and there was blood everywhere so we cleaned all that up."
Dabello eventually managed to pull the snake off the man's penis, however, the python was left with 'no little teeth' because they were still inserted in her partner's willy.

Back in 2021, a similar incident saw a man nearly lose his genitals after a snouted cobra - hiding inside a toilet - bit him on the testicles.
The 47-year-old was holidaying in South Africa when he had to go to the bathroom to answer nature's call.
But when he sat down, he didn't notice the highly venomous snake waiting in the bottom of the bowl, who ended up sinking its teeth into his balls.
The snake injected its venom into the man's private parts and he ended up being in an incredible amount of pain.
He was flown to the nearest hospital (which was 350km away) and by then the pain had spread from his genitals to to his stomach and chest and he started vomiting.
Doctors performed a 'surgical debridement', which involves 'thoroughly cleaning the wound and removing all hyperkeratotic, infected, and dead tissue.