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Former stripper claims 'scary truth' that 80 percent of men cheat on stag dos

Former stripper claims 'scary truth' that 80 percent of men cheat on stag dos

The ex-stripper has revealed what could be a worrying truth about stag dos that is sure to worry soon-to-be brides

A former stripper has revealed a potentially worrying truth about stag dos that will be sure to worry a lot of women who will soon be brides.

Hayley Davies is an Australian former stripper who now lives in the US, and explained that her experience from working in a strip club changed her view on fidelity and relationships forever.

The 25-year-old revealed that the club she worked at hosted at lot of stag dos (known as bucks parties in Australia), and had some disturbing experiences with the grooms in particular.

The sad truth has been revealed by the former stripper. (Instagram/@itshayleydavies)
The sad truth has been revealed by the former stripper. (Instagram/@itshayleydavies)

Part of Davies' routine involved foam that would end up on the audience, so after her act, she would bring them to a separate room to clean them up.

However, she revealed that an astonishing 80 percent of men would try to make a move on her - including grooms themselves.

“I worked in a strip club that frequently hosted bucks [bachelor] parties, and I would say that majority of the grooms and their friends would at the very least try and make out with you,” she revealed.

The ex-stripper said that there's nothing wrong with men going to strip clubs for bachelor parties if their partners are alright with it, but she found that some find it as an excuse to cheat or try their luck.

She added: “I think men who cheat on their partners don’t think strippers count as people. It is a fantasy and they don’t think it counts. You can tell by the way they talk about you.”

The model said that 80% of men try their luck with strippers on stag dos. (Instagram/@itshayleydavies)
The model said that 80% of men try their luck with strippers on stag dos. (Instagram/@itshayleydavies)

Davies highlighted that she's not fond of men who are so easily willing to cheat on their partners, especially on the last night before their weddings, but she also accepts that it's not her fault if they make the move.

“If [men] are going to cheat, they’re going to cheat. I don’t like it, but of course, I’m going to take their money. At the end of the day, it’s on them,” she said.

However, she said that they 'suck' and that it is a 'horrible thing to do' right before their big day, saying it's 'scary' how normalised it is for men to cheat on their stag dos.

Davies also said it's so hard to tell which men are loyal, not being able to scope out a pattern during her time in the club.

Apparently, even the ones that seem loyal and less stereotypically attractive are just as likely to cheat as good-looking ones, as she highlighted: “The men who cheat are always the ones you least expect. No one is safe.”

Her negative experiences have put her off dating. (Instagram/@itshayleydavies)
Her negative experiences have put her off dating. (Instagram/@itshayleydavies)

The next worrying thing is that even after they get married, she still finds that men are ready to cheat.

Davies said: “You wouldn’t believe how many newly married men’s numbers I have in my phone.”

All of these experiences has affected the model to the point where she has changed her outlook on romance, and admitted that she finds it hard to go out and find true love when she's seen the dark side of it.

She concluded: “I don’t really date, but seeing how often men cheat has definitely changed my thoughts on monogamous relationships.”

Featured Image Credit: (Instagram/@itshayleydavies)

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