Ever get the feeling everyone knows something you don't?
That might be because a lot of places you go have a secret code which allows people to discuss things without being blatant about it, so conversations can be had with just numbers and leave you none the wiser.
That is, of course, unless someone decides to post on the internet what the codes actually mean.
Back in the earlier days of Reddit, before it became people's alternative to googling the answer to a question, some chap on r/bartenders said he'd heard of a 'bartenders code' and wanted to get his team doing it.
He already knew that if something was '86' then they'd run out of it and would have to stop doing it, and Kitchen Nightmares fans will know this one even if they haven't worked behind a bar since Gordon Ramsay had a habit of '86-ing' dishes they couldn't do.

'200' referred to the fact there was a customer waiting to be served, but a whole load of codes were centred around the appearance of people at the bar.
This code also contains a number of references to bartenders talking about customers they find attractive, and the number varies depending on what's going on with them.
Apparently, if your bartender says '699' then it means that someone they found attractive was at the bar, while bumping it up to '700' meant that 'probably hottest girl in the building is at the bar'.
The code got even more complex from there, as '300' would be used to mention an attractive woman, while '300 high' meant the lady in question had what one bartender described as a 'big ol' pair of boobies'.

Other bartenders chipped into the thread to offer their own explanations on these codes, saying that the first and last numbers were rating a customer's face and body respectively between zero and nine, while the digit in the middle would be a one or a zero.
A one in the middle would mean the bartender fancied you, while a zero meant they didn't.
If you wanted the romantic affections of a bartender you'd be wanting them to refer to you as a '919' in the best possible scenario, as that'd be the highest rating you could get.
Spare a thought for the triple zeroes then, and maybe think that this entire rating system might be a bit slimy.
Meanwhile, someone who had worked at McDonald's said that at their restaurant they could only cook eight burgers at a time, so if someone said 'cheese on nine' that also meant an attractive customer.
Topics: Community, Pubs, Reddit, Weird, Sex and Relationships