Dame Esther Rantzen has shared her heartbreaking final wish as she prepares euthanasia.
The legendary broadcaster and founder of the charity helpline Childline was diagnosed with terminal cancer last year.
The 83-year-old has decided to fly to the Switzerland-based euthanasia clinic Dignitas and is calling for a change in law so that physician-assisted suicide is legal in the UK.
In an interview with the Radio Times, Rantzen said: “Having been diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, I’m now, at the age of 83, dedicated to a new campaign close to my heart – to change the law on assisted dying. I’m optimistic about the prospect of that being legalised within ten years because there is now a huge majority of the public in favour of change.

“The law at the moment just doesn’t work. Anyone supporting change should please, please, write to their MP. I’ve signed up to Dignitas – and going to Zurich is still an option I’m considering if my life gets unendurable.
“However, if I ask my children to come with me, so I can say goodbye surrounded by my nearest and dearest, when they return they still risk being charged with conspiring to murder me. When in fact, although they support my right to choose, it is entirely my decision.”
Rantzen has also shared her wishes for her final hours, telling LBC’s Nick Ferrari: “I’d like to fly off to Zurich with my nearest and dearest. Have a fantastic dinner the night before. I’d love caviar, if possible. The fact it doesn’t always agree with me doesn’t matter, does it? I could even have champagne, which I’m deeply allergic to.

“Then the next day, go to this rather unappealing place where they do it. Listen to a favourite piece of music, say goodbye to everybody.
"I'll tell them to 'cheer up, I’m meeting my late husband, my departed dog and my mother at the pearly gates' and hold out my hand for an injection or open my mouth for a rather disgusting medication."
When asked how she would like her family to remember her, she replied: "I would like them to feel that I had died happy. I've had a very lucky life, I've got an amazing family and group of friends and colleagues.
"I'd like to say goodbye fairly gracefully and then go."
Rantzen has shared a letter she hopes members of the public will send to their MPs in which she asks for ‘a full debate in the House of Commons on the subject of assisted dying’. She also wants a ‘promise of a free vote on the subject; to be included in all parties’ manifestos ahead of the next general election.