Topics: TV and Film, House of the Dragon, Game of Thrones, Weird, Celebrity
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Topics: TV and Film, House of the Dragon, Game of Thrones, Weird, Celebrity
Viewers of the latest episode of House of the Dragon have been left a little bit perplexed, confused and – predominantly – awkward after one particular scene.
Of course – this is your obligatory SPOILER ALERT: if you’ve not yet seen episode six of the series, you shouldn’t be reading this.
Here's a preview for you to get stuck into:
Now, we are going to try to keep as much of the details out of this as possible, for reasons that you’ll come to understand, but everyone who watches the show – or Game of Thrones, for that matter – will already know that it’s not exactly something you watch with your parents.
From the copious amounts of occasionally gratuitous sex and frequent incest to the ever more elaborate ways of shuffling others off this mortal coil, it’s adult material and no mistake.
Still, last night brought us a different kind of shuffling that has people feeling a little bit queasy.
We were introduced last night to a young Aegon Targaryen, played – as it happens – by David Tennant’s son Ty.
Anyway, in one scene he can be seen standing up in a really high window in the Westerosi capital city of King’s Landing and – well – having a private conversation with the hand of the king.
You get the drift? We don’t have to spell it out, right?
What is even worse is that his mother - the Queen, of course - then catches him right at it.
Naturally, even though there were some other seriously impactful events last night, this is what most people have picked up on.
One person wrote: “I don't really care to see David Tennant's boy w**k out a window.”
Well, who does?
Apparently, a lot of people, as it’s a very popular show.
Another person simply commented: “Odd place to have a w**k.”
Again, it sure is.
Some despaired for young Tennant’s parents, with one Twitter user opining: “Poor David and Georgia Tennant turning on Sky Atlantic this evening to see their son miming having a w**k out the window.”
Another said: “The many awkward situations in #HouseOfTheDragon is making it sooo hard for me to watch.
“Does anybody have a lick of sense in this show?”
Nope, but you already knew that if you’ve been watching it.
Anyway, this week’s episode – as well as this daring piece of onanism – sees a big jump into the future, with some characters replaced and some significantly aged up.
That’s the way it’s going to be from now on, so whether or not we like it, we’ll have to get used to it.
Hopefully there will be les awkward scenes involving young rich folks getting their kicks out of the window, but with this world, you genuinely never can tell.
HBO’s House of the Dragon is on Sky Atlantic and NOWTV every Monday at 9:00pm and available on demand.