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One of Ryan Reynolds' worst movies is bizarrely getting a sequelOne of Ryan Reynolds' worst movies is bizarrely getting a sequel

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One of Ryan Reynolds' worst movies is bizarrely getting a sequel

The 2013 movie was torn to shreds by critics when it landed in cinemas

Ryan Reynolds is one of the biggest stars on the planet, but that doesn't mean he's immune to a cinematic turkey or two. Have a look at the trailer for one of his worst movies below:

While he's enjoyed meteoric success with the Deadpool franchise, the Canadian actor has also suffered the wrath of the critics in the past. Do we need to talk about Green Lantern?

But it would seem that even flops can be revived in tinseltown, and one of the 45-year-old's worst rated flicks is coming back for another go.

R.I.P.D landed in cinemas back in 2013 and saw Reynolds team up with Hollywood legend Jeff Bridges to fight off hordes of evil spirits hiding among humans in order to escape death.

A synopsis reads: "When grizzled lawman Roy Pulsifer (Bridges) and his new partner Nick Walker (Reynolds) uncover a plot that could end all life, they have to find a way of restoring the balance before a tunnel opens up and sends souls back to the world of the living."

R.I.P.D was panned by the critics.R.I.P.D was panned by the critics.
Universal Pictures

Despite the gripping plot, ahem, the movie was met with lukewarm reviews.

Actually, that's being kind, it was absolutely torn to shreds, receiving a damning score of 12 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

One quite angry critic said at the time of its release: "Please, please don't see it. Value your time more than I did."

While another concluded: "It is among the worst examples of what comics on film have left us over the years."

Well, almost a decade has passed since those dark days and it looks like it's getting a reboot.

It was announced recently that R.I.P.D 2: Rise of The Damned was in the works and had been given a rating of PG-13.

According to IMDb, the movie has already completed filming and stars British actor Richard Fleeshman (Coronation Street) and Jake Choi (Succession) in what appear to be the lead roles.

The Deadpool actor starred alongside Jeff Bridges in the 2013 release.The Deadpool actor starred alongside Jeff Bridges in the 2013 release.
Universal Pictures

Beyond that, not much is known in terms of the plot, but it would seem that Reynolds won't be returning for the second instalment.

I mean, that's probably the least surprising bit of all this, isn't it?

Instead the Wrexham owner is concentrating on the next Deadpool movie, with him currently getting in shape for the role.

Don Saladino, the personal trainer who dubs himself as bloke who 'trains superheroes for movies', recently posted a photo of them together.

The trainer captioned the post with a simple 'and so it begins…' tagline, meaning the actor will likely get put through his paces to become Wade Wilson and the 'Merc with the Mouth' once again.

Reynolds replied to the post saying that 'training is a negotiation'. Cheeky, very cheeky.

Featured Image Credit: Dark Horse Entertainment

Topics: Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds, US News, TV and Film

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