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Futurama Cast Open To Reboot

Futurama Cast Open To Reboot

It might happen, lads

Amelia Ward

Amelia Ward

The cast ofFuturama have said they'd be up for a reboot of the series, if they had the 'right offer'.

Voice actor Maurice LaMarche said it's something they've all spoken about together.

Speaking to SyFy Wire, LaMarche said: "Sure, we all talk about it. If Fox was to come up with the right offer, but I know Matt [Groening] would love to do it again.

"[Co-creator] David Cohen, I think, might be into it. I think semi-retirement is finally wearing on him. He had to get back to writing on The Simpsons just to keep busy."


He added: "I have to leave it up to the Powers That Be, but I know everybody's into it, including the cast.

"It would be great to do it before Billy West [voice of Fry, Dr. Zoidberg, and Professor Farnsworth] turns 80.

"So hopefully someday there'll be a Futurama reboot, but we're well-practiced at the reboot thing. We got rebooted twice, so there might be less of a huzzah about it, but it'd be nice to do that again."

But LaMarche and Groening are still in regualr contact - so it might be more realistic than what you think.

He continued: "I've played a lot of characters in my career. I've done some fantastic shows and this is not meant as any disparagement. I've worked on all three of Matt Groening's shows - two of them as a regular.

"I pop up on The Simpsons and just last week, I recorded a nice part for next year's Treehouse of Horror.

"I'm so grateful to Matt, and Futurama brought me two voice-over Emmys, but Brain is my child. That's the only way I can put it. I love Lrrr, I love Kiff, and Morbo and all the characters I play on Futurama, and all the ones I play on Disenchantment.

"But Brain's my kid."

The popular show was cancelled and creator Matt Groening has spoken out about his dealings with Hollywood, and Fox in particular.

Matt Groening.

In an old interview, he said he thought Fox never wanted the show to succeed, saying: "You can't believe what babies people are. It's really like being in junior high school.

"You can't expect people to behave in their own best interest. It's in Fox's best interest for this show to be a success, but they'd rather mess with the show and have them fail, than allow creators independence and let them succeed ... They don't like The Simpsons at Fox."

Featured Image Credit: Fox

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