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Women share the first things they notice about men including 'casino smell'

Women share the first things they notice about men including 'casino smell'

A group of women have shared the first things they always notice about men for the first time

A group of women have opened up about what they do and don't care about when it comes to meeting men for the first time.

As you're probably aware, there are certain parts about yourself that you can't change and it's always important to be comfortable in your own skin.

That being said, everyone, especially women, do have preferences when it comes to what they like and don't like in a partner - which is totally normal by the way, so long as you don't go too crazy.

First impressions always count (Getty stock images)
First impressions always count (Getty stock images)

Back in 2022, content creator Courtney Ryan got a group of six women together to speak about the first things they notice about men - and it varied across the women they spoke to.

Some were into guys who are tall, with abs, defined arms and a strong jawline, whilst others couldn't care less.

Most things were up for debate, like the importance of hair (some guys don't have any), dress sense, eye colour, hands and even voice.

Whilst most preferences on this list are out of our control and aren't worth worrying about, one thing almost all of the women agreed on was 'scent', i.e. what aftershave you use - if any.

Women have opened up about the importance of aftershave (Getty Stock Images)
Women have opened up about the importance of aftershave (Getty Stock Images)

Deja said: "When you are around a guy who smells good, it just makes you happier, like in a better mood.

"Like if I walk past a guy who smells good, that just made my day like 10 times better, you know, so like smell, that's high up."

She continued: "Okay so this one guy I know in particular he wears this Prada scent, I think it's a silver bottle with red on it and it smells so good on him.

"So good, so I don't know how to like put it into words, but either like a nice clean scent or kind of like that Autumn, you know, like you're walking in a fancy casino smell.

"Like a little sweet, but like not too sweet, like that that balance."

Meanwhile, Stella added: "Absolutely, top of my list for me as well.

"I think a scent and using pheromones that work with your pheromones is a huge, huge bonus to get women attracted to you, get women talking to you and just overall making yourself known."

Some of the women were in agreement that a 'masculine' scene was important as Stella explained: "So for myself as a guy I'm into, a very sort of like sandalwood drift outdoorsy, not so much of a musk smell but just like a masculine sort of deep woods aroma."

As mentioned, don't worry about things you can't control, but putting on a decent aftershave on a first date might not be the worst idea.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Courtney Ryan

Topics: YouTube, Sex and Relationships