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Woman claims millionaires do one specific thing differently to others that makes them so successful

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Woman claims millionaires do one specific thing differently to others that makes them so successful

Lisa West sparked quite the debate after revealing her thoughts on wealth

A woman has managed to cause quite the stir online after sharing her controversial philosophy on how different people handle their dosh.

Lisa West took to TikTok to share her thoughts on how your mindset can impact your money, explaining that she reckons the way millionaires manage their cash is the secret to their long-term financial success.

The artist and podcaster, who dubs herself the 'dream doula for intuitive women', regularly shares life advice on social media and encourages her followers to use the power of their thoughts to change their circumstances.

It's one of those things where you either really find this approach effective, or you reckon it's a load of mumbo jumbo - which the comment section on West's recent post demonstrates perfectly.

In the clip she uploaded on Thursday (10 October), the California-based content creator explained that 'rich people do one thing completely differently than middle class or poor people'.

Bringing up the hierarchical social structure isn't the smoothest start to a TikTok video, but hey-ho.

Lisa West sparked a fierce debate after sharing her thoughts on the benefits of adopting a millionaire mindset (TikTok/@dlisadeathdoula)
Lisa West sparked a fierce debate after sharing her thoughts on the benefits of adopting a millionaire mindset (TikTok/@dlisadeathdoula)

However, West went on to say that it 'has nothing to do' with how much money they have in the bank, their incomings and outgoings or how much they've got stashed away in their rainy day fund.

Explaining she was sharing her perspective simply because she 'likes seeing people be abundant in life', she said: "The one thing rich people do differently is they see the function of money for what it actually is meant to be.

"I'll give you an example - poor people think money exist to pay bills and to keep themselves out of debt. They work for someone Monday through Friday, they exchange their time for money and then they give it to someone else - which is a great way to scrape by in life and never get ahead."

She reckons that middle class people, on the other hand, view money as a means to build credit.

"So they can get loans from bigger and bigger institutions that they will pay off over time," West continued. "These are the people who are so excited over their 800 credit score, and they're excited to buy bigger houses, bigger boats, bigger cars, whatever. That's not the function of money.

"Rich people know the function of money is expansion."

She reckons creating wealth all comes down to how you view your cash (Getty Stock Photo)
She reckons creating wealth all comes down to how you view your cash (Getty Stock Photo)

West said that what she meant by this was, you should always be using the cash you have to create even more capital.

"Here's what I mean - instead of looking for ways to buy things that people don't really need, rich people look for every dollar they have to go out and make them more money," she went on.

"Every single dollar they have are little soldiers to go out and get them more land or more territory, little workers, you know what I'm saying? And then bring it home to mama.

"Only when you start to see money for what it actually is, a method of expansion, is when you can make it work for you.

"Because the universe is expanding - fact. You are part of the universe - fact. Your money is the energy that you brought into your experience - fact.

"And therefore, for that money to be the happiest money possible, it needs to do what you're doing, which is expanding, which is what the universe is doing!"

She believes that once you adopt this mindset, 'opportunities to make more money or expand start presenting themselves to you'.

But not all of her viewers were convinced, although some did support her stance.

One person said: "I heard this theory about 20 years ago in college. Make money work for you. However, it takes money to make money."

Another wrote: "But why? It's no fun to not spend it," and a third added: "Mindset, mindset, mindset! It's all a mindset game."

While a fourth chimed in: "I think this way of thinking is both problematic and sad. Are we creating a better world by creating rich people who want more? That is not what humanity needs."

What do you reckon?

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@dlisadeathdoula / PAUL ELLIS/AFP via Getty Images

Topics: TikTok, Social Media, Money, Lifestyle