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Woman shares brutal texts from 'ungrateful' parents after she paid for them to go on holiday

Woman shares brutal texts from 'ungrateful' parents after she paid for them to go on holiday

She tried to get them the holiday as a 'thank you' gift, but was shocked by their ungrateful responses

A woman shocked the internet recently when she shared texts from her parents after she paid for them to go on an all-expenses paid trip.

You'd think that forking out the cash for your parents to go on a nice holiday would get you some brownie points, but unfortunately for this woman, that did not go to plan.

While on their getaway to Kauai, Hawaii, her loving parents seemed to send her complaints through text messages, which left her baffled.

So much so, that she decided to take the situation to Facebook group 'Am I The A**hole?', so that she could check if she was overreacting.

The woman couldn't believe how ungrateful her parents were being. (Getty Stock Photo)
The woman couldn't believe how ungrateful her parents were being. (Getty Stock Photo)

The anonymous woman explained that the trip was covered by herself, as a 'thank you basically for my mom helping me so much with all of my kids when I had my 4th baby'.

She further shared: "I lined it up so it would be 5 days during their 36th wedding anniversary. My husband and I paid for their airfare, hotel, and rental car. All I’ve pretty much heard from them is how expensive their food is. Not a thank you or even an appreciate or positive remark.

"Am i the A hole for just being so irritated by being sent so many messages just complaining about the cost of their meals?"

She then shared a screenshot of one of the text messages between her and her parents, who sent her a snap of one of their meal totals - $104.31 (£82.23), with a shocked face emoji.

Brutally and honestly, she replied saying: “Quit your complaining you’re in paradise on a free vacation,” which is a very fair response.

They then hit back by saying that their 'cheapest' meal was still $40 (£31.53), with most meals ranging between $50 to $60 on the American holiday island.

“Ok then noted I’ll send you to Arkansas for your next trip,” the woman, clearly frustrated, said.

Her parents were not impressed. (Facebook)
Her parents were not impressed. (Facebook)

She asked in the social media forum if she was being too rude or harsh towards them, after being irritated by their replies, also detailing in the comments that her Dad makes 'well over 100k a year', with several users jumping to her defence.

One user commented: "I literally can’t imagine receiving such a nice gift and doing nothing but complaining about it. if they were going to be that concerned you’d think they’d look some things up about food cost and stuff beforehand and politely decline if they didn’t want to spend that money. ridiculous."

Another said: "I would feel exactly the same. That is the most entitled selfish thing I've seen in a while. I would be texting non stop how appreciative I was of that trip. What you did was SO kind. I'm really sorry you are getting this reaction."

And a third put: "They are ungrateful asf. That would p*** me off."

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/Getty Stock Images

Topics: Parenting, Travel, Social Media, Facebook