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Baba Vanga's terrifying predictions for 2023

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Baba Vanga's terrifying predictions for 2023

As we approach the end of 2022 and the start of 2023, it's time to look at Baba Vanga's predictions for the year ahead

Even though Bulgarian mystic Baba Vanga died in 1996, she still continues to makes headlines to this very day for her apparent abilities to tell the future.

For those unaware of the mystic, Baba rose to fame for her many predictions on the future - including the predictions of events such as 9/11 and the rise of Donald Trump.

When she died in 1996 at the age of 84, she left predictions for every year up until 5079.

And as we approach the end of 2022, what better way to look into 2023 with what Baba's predictions were?

Unfortunately, if Baba's claims are to be believed, the year is not going to be the best.

Baba Vanga died decades ago, but her predictions go up until the year 5079.

As reported by Sky History, Baba claimed that a solar storm with devastating consequences will hit in 2023.

A solar storm can apparently refer to several phenomena on the sun’s surface, which include solar flares and vast eruptions of plasma.

These are capable of reaching Earth and causing widespread damage such as frying power grids.

To get an idea of the speed these plasma eruptions can move, a jet moving at the same speed would get from Los Angeles to New York in just 18 seconds.

If this event was to happen, it would likely cut communication services, causing widespread havoc.

Experts have even warned that the damage could leak to blackouts that would last for years - here's hoping this one doesn't come true.

Baba's next prediction is also in the science realms, as she hinted a change in Earth's orbit would come in 2023.

Every year, Earth travels 584 million miles around the sun, typically in an oval shape rather than a perfect circle.

Earth's orbit can shift slightly due to gravitational forces of other planets, though shifting in such a radical way in just a year would be devastating.

Solar storms could come to 2023 if Baba's predictions are to be believed.
Science History Images / Alamy Stock Photo

It would lead to awful environmental consequences such as soaring temperatures and radiation levels.

Next, Baba reportedly had a vision of bioweapon tests being carried out in 2023, which is particularly poignant given the current geopolitical climate at the end of 2022.

No indication of the detail surrounding these weapon experiments were provided - so it is impossible to know what the mystic had been hinting at.

It is also worth noting that Baba's predictions are very cryptic and don't often go into great detail.

Also, many of her other predictions have been disputed.

So, let's hope her 2023 visions are in that camp, too.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube / Jürgen Fälchle / Alamy

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