An Australian man has divided the internet by setting up a tent in his garage as a precaution to avoid catching covid.
“This is my bed in the garage because my partner has dropped precautions,” reads the tweet.
“I take precautions 100% of the time. Don’t tell me that this hasn’t upended every f###ing second of my life.”
The photo was posted in response to another tweet that stated that many people have given up on abiding by covid precautions all the time, in every setting.
Inside the man’s tent, there is a small mattress to sleep on and of course, an air purifier to prevent the spread of germs.
The self-described “Covid educational activist” is a strong advocate for mask-wearing according to other tweets found on his page.
Some of his followers were quick to respond to the photo and praise his decision.
“I like the tent and filter idea,” read one comment, “It’s cheap and should be effective.”
“I sooo respect you,” another commenter added. “By protecting yourself you are also protecting countless others.”
While another wrote “That’s what I call 100%! When we had covid in our household I slept with a mask, we had 3 HEPA filters running 24/7.”
Despite the support, others thought the drastic measures were a step too far.
“Just move out and live on your own at this point, wouldn't you?” wrote one commenter.
“The vaccine is meant to enable you to live normally without worrying,” said another.
“This all for covid?” another commented.
“Well yes it was,” replied the original poster.
“But I’m enjoying not having asthma and I’m enjoying having zero disease since I started, and I’m enjoying not having to pester her to mask up.”

While the post sparked a debate about whether people should still be willing to mask up and social distance four years on, some thought the post was a parody.
“Thoughts guys? Is this real or is this a brilliant troll?” one Twitter user asked.
“Bro just wants an excuse to sleep in a tent, why is he shaming his wife,” another comment reads.
Another user joked “This is me when my husband is farting,” in response to the tent set up.
The post has had nearly 450,000 views with over 100 comments and nearly 200 quote tweets at the time of writing.
Topics: News, Australia, Coronavirus