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Doctor gives explanation to men worried about ‘curved’ penises

Doctor gives explanation to men worried about ‘curved’ penises

If you're worried about your manhood looking lopsided, Dr Chun Tang might put your mind at ease

It's drummed into us from our teen years that people - and their parts - come in a range of shapes and sizes, so if you or your bodily attachments don't look exactly like your best pals, it's nothing to worry about.

But it seems that a lot of blokes are secretly mithering over the structure of their manhoods and whether they are a little bit lopsided - think the Leaning Tower of Pisa in comparison to the Eiffel Tower.

Bringing up your concerns that you may have a 'curved' penis to your GP or your other half is obviously easier said than done, but it's worth opening up about it if it's worrying you.

Luckily, the Medical Director at Pall Mall Medical has a few words of wisdom to share which will hopefully put a stop to you panicking over the shape of your penis.

Dr Chun Tang, who specialises in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, has offered some advice for men who may be alarmed that their willy is leaning a little too far to one side.

Speaking to The Sun, he explained that for the most part, a 'curved' penis is normal and something to be expected.

Dr Tang said: "Just as with other parts of the body, there can be natural variation in the shape and structure of the penis.

"Some degree of curvature may simply be part of an individual's anatomy."

But there are a couple of other things it could be too.

Dr Chun Tang reassured blokes that a slight curve is normal. (Getty Stock Image)
Dr Chun Tang reassured blokes that a slight curve is normal. (Getty Stock Image)

One prominent reason for fellas having a curved penis is abnormalities with the tunica, which is essentially the layer of tissue which covers the reproductive organ.

Dr Tang explained: "The tunica albuginea is the fibrous covering of the erectile tissue in the penis.

"Abnormalities or uneven distribution of tissue within the tunica albuginea can cause the penis to curve to one side."

He warned that this can occur due to trauma caused by some strenuous sexual activity, so make sure you don't overdo it in the bedroom.

As well as this, a curved penis can also be caused by Peyronie's disease - and you can tell the difference as you will likely also experience pain.

According to the NHS, it is common for penises to curve slightly to either side when erect, but you should check in with your GP if it's a significant bend, if it suddenly appears, or if it causes you issues when having sex.

If you notice other symptoms or just want to get it checked out, you should contact your GP. (Getty Stock Image)
If you notice other symptoms or just want to get it checked out, you should contact your GP. (Getty Stock Image)

Peyronie's disease mostly affects men over 40, but can happen at any age and may trigger symptoms such as a thickened area or hard lump (plaque) in the shaft of the penis, a curve in the penis and loss of length or girth.

Dr Tang continued: "Peyronie’s disease is another possible explanation, a condition characterised by the formation of fibrous scar tissue in the penis, leading to curvature or bending during erections.

"This scar tissue, known as a plaque, can develop on one side of the penis, causing it to lean or curve.

"Treatment options for penile curvature vary depending on the underlying cause and severity and may include medications, surgery, or other interventions.

"If someone is concerned about the curvature of their penis, they should consult a healthcare provider for an evaluation and appropriate management."

The bottom line is, if your willy is veering off to one side slightly, it's probably nothing to worry about - but keep an eye on any symptoms or changes that may crop up and head to the doctors so medical professionals can double check.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Health, Sex and Relationships