You would be surprised at some of the attempts by men both big and small
The event is called a birth 'en caul' and happens during less than one in 80,000 births.
Some think it should have been included in the final version of the 2008 film
The president could be seen letting out a grin in this evening's conference to discuss the Russian invasion
Demonstrations are taking place in cities across the country including the capital Moscow and Putin's hometown St Petersburg
Photographers on the ground have captured astonishing queues of Ukrainian men registering for the territorial defence forces
Percy the Perseverance Rover has been searching the planet for signs of ancient life since February last year
A special tool gives a unique insight into the situation above ground
The fighter-cum-actor is set to fight the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi at the O2 Arena in London
DJ Alok recorded the event on an action camera but only noticed the bear when reviewing the footage later that day
She even blows a kiss in true embarrassing mum style
Lewis's website MoneySavingExpert revealed the position along with other tips in a newsletter
Fans were left confused and shocked
People in the area couldn't believe someone had used the storm as an excuse to get rid of the unwanted plant
“The last thing anyone wants to hear all Saturday night is you too f**k like animals."