Davidson has bought the dog after his mum's two-year-old puppy died
The dog refused to budge from the pub entrance, suggesting he's been taken in there before
The dog house cost a fortune
The UK's most dangerous plant was discovered close to where a number of dogs have died
Footage of the Met Police dog shooting caused outrage on social media.
Nikki the German Shepherd was spotted clutching her stuffed animal, alone and living on the streets. But that's not the end of her tale.
Police in Springfield, Colorado pulled the man over for speeding, but he tried to evade their attention by switching with his dog
The exhausted Akita named Rocky had cuts all over his paws
That didn't stop the owners from barking at these orders.
One veterinarian has warned that there are a number of hazards in the bathroom for dogs
An urgent search was launched to locate Cooper after he ran away from his new home
They've already been banned in Wales for 13 years
Durham County Council have fined the Stanley resident £754 for the dog poo and rubbish left in their garden
Kevin Record was woken up by his five-year-old pooch to discover that his e-scooter was sparking up.
Maddie Young found it was cheaper to fly her two dogs to New York on a private jet rather than put them in teh cargo hold
The little pooch proved to be a lifesaver
The woman is demanding compensation from the charity
The vet says the final moments are terrifying for an animal
A resident didn't mince his words when he left a note for dog walkers on his bin
Battersea Dogs & Cats Home's tribute fund in memory of Paul O'Grady has surpassed £100,000.
Fight fire with fire - or, in this case, poop with poop
The vet technician is fed up with owners abandoning their pets during their last breath.
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