Ant and Dec were back last night for another series of their much-loved Saturday Night Takeaway.
And on the lads' triumphant return, they decided to pay a little visit to Jeremy Clarkson's Diddly Squat Farm in Oxfordshire.
But if you are familiar with the show, you will know that this was never going to be a normal trip.
The pair got themselves dressed up as eco-warriors who were picketing outside the farm over the 61-year-old's treatment of his soil, holding signs with messages saying 'Soil has feelings, Clarkson doesn't' written on them.

And it goes about as well as you'd expect.
After one of his employees gives him a ring, Clarkson heads down to the farm with his girlfriend, Lisa.
And he quickly gets involved in a debate with the protesters' leader, Laura, who asked him if he's read much on 'soil awareness' and 'soil rights'.
To which Clarkson replied pretty abruptly: "Soil rights, there's no such thing'.

All of this is going on while a disguised Dec uses a megaphone to shout things like 'maybe you should phone a friend' at the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? presenter.
Things then took a bit of a turn when one of the protesters crept up behind Clarkson and handcuffed himself to his Range Rover door.
Turning around while not looking impressed at all, Clarkson asked him: "How fast can you run?'

But the lads weren't done with the wind up just yet. It was then Ant's turn to get involved as he arrived at the farm with the more 'radical' arm of the protest group.
The rest of the group piled out of a bus, including one member who charged out in the buff with the words 'dirty boy' written on his back.
As things looked to be escalating, the police arrived at the scene... well, actors playing police officers of course.
But this is when things really got bad for Clarkson, as Ant and Dec jumped into a digger filled with soil and drove it over to his very expensive motor.
The jokers proceeded to tip the soil all over the car, as Clarkson looked on in horror.
And if that wasn't enough, the copper then 'arrested' Ant and Clarkson for 'breach of the peace'.
Stunned, he told the officer: "Good luck with that. I'm not going to the police station."
Fortunately, Ant jumped in as things looks to turn nasty and revealed all by saying: "You can't arrest him because you're not a police officer and we're not protesters."
Dec added: "Because he's on Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway", to which Clarkson looks - understandably - extremely relieved.
Talking to Clarkson about the prank back in the studio, who was actually rather impressed by the pair's antics, they admitted that they might have taken it a touch 'too far'.
Topics: Jeremy Clarkson, Ant and Dec, Saturday Night Takeaway