Attention You fans, your final dollop of the dark, mysterious Netflix thriller is coming rather soon and after that there won't be any more.
Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley) is back for one last helping of being a handsome b*****d who you would really not want to meet under any circumstances.
Check out the trailer:
Last we left off, Joe had completed his bafflingly priced stay in London and moved on from his job that took him a six hour walk to work and returned to New York.
When this whole things started he'd been running a bookshop called Mooney's in the Big Apple and it looks like things are going to come full circle for Joe as he seems to have returned to his former life.
Returning to his roots, the charismatic killer seems to be keeping people in cages and as you can understand they're not best pleased with him.

Of course if everything is going to become wrapped up in a neat little bow then where does that leave Joe?
Surely he's done enough over the course of You that some kind of massive comeuppance is in order, unless his fate is going to be left open ended and Joe's going to get away with it all free to continue his predations far into the future.
All of those answers and more are going to be available to watch within a matter of months as the final season of You now has a release date and will land in April.
Needless to say this has fans of You very excited indeed as many of them commented 'FINALLY'.
In fairness it is coming up on two years since You was last releasing new episodes and it'll be beyond that point by the time we get the final season of the show.

The wait may have been long for You fans but in a smattering of weeks all that you desire will be available to see, assuming of course that You sticks the landing and ends in a satisfying way which pleases the rather sizeable audience the show has built up over the years.
While there's plenty of excitement over the possibility of more of Joe Goldberg some viewers are eager to see him 'brought to justice in the final season'.
Perhaps there's only so long you can stand to see a handsome man killing people before you think it's time to see him end up on the wrong end of things.
The big question hanging over the final season is whether Joe will get his just desserts or not.
The final season of You will arrive on Netflix on 24 April.
Topics: You, Netflix, TV and Film